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Get ready for your tests / Bac exams

Correction Entraînement bac Compréhension orale


1/ Anticiper rapidement de quoi il s'agit à partir du titre du document (vous mobilisez déjà une certaines catégories de connaissances en faisant cela)

Identifier clairement le contexte, les personnes, les fonctions, l’éventuelle problématique au début de votre résumé

La problématique n'est pas forcément contenu entière dans le titre


2/ Ne s’en tenir qu’à une stricte restitution de ce qui est entendu = ne pas interpréter,

ne pas extrapoler

ne pas développer le contenu.


Pour cela il faut améliorer la prise de notes à laquelle s’adosse votre compréhension.


Organiser votre prise de notes en 3 colonnes parallèles ou bien si vous choisissez les mots clés, espacer bien les mots afin de pouvoir les compléter.


3/ Essayer plusieurs méthodes (deux méthodes proposées en classe déjà) et adopter celle qui vous convient le mieux.


4/ Écrire lisiblement, la présentation est importante pour un examen.


5/ Écrire directement à partir de vos notes (

mots clés en anglais préférable


6/ Vos notes: des mots clés, pas des phrases ou bien des phrases ultra réduites/ basiques


7/ pas de conclusion, ceci n’est pas une démonstration


Quelques mots qui peuvent tromper


education en anglais s’apparente plus à l’instruction


college = université


Faire la différence entre un sigle et un mot. 





power : the ability to control people or things / the ability to influence people’s behaviour


It is the ability to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don’t.


In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws.

This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.



Key words:


influence: the effect that sb/ sth has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that sth works or develops


control :the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization, etc. is run

domination (control or have a lot of influence over sb/ sth)


         => powers of the body / powers of the mind


* in order to live together, people have to accept laws.

These rules create social cohesion but can also lead to tensions.

That is the reason why there are often counter powers to challenge and resist the power in place


Some places such as universities are seats of powers.

The power of universities:

> choose their students (selective / exclusive),

> choose the contents of what they teach, f

> forms / moulds the minds and the ways people think.

> to produce and give knowledge it takes power to produce knowledge in the first place.


-powers of the individuals

they can choose a career, study and become smarter, become influential


Universities are embedded within the power relations of contemporary society. Obvious examples include the close relationship between industry and the technological and scientific research that goes on in universities.

Less obvious examples include the way in which law, business and public policy schools have come to dominate much of university life outside the sciences. Such schools train the staff who go on to work in private corporations and for the state. Their faculty and students are profoundly informed by the values and interests of these clients.



1. Introducing your topic:

- I'm going to talk about the idea of progress/spaces and exchanges

- I would like to talk about the notion of power/myths and heroes

- First of all I would like to define the notion....

- In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen two documents....

- Let me explain why I have chosen these documents

- I have chosen two documents to illustrate this: one document we studied in class and another that I found through my own research (Bon point!)

- I have chosen to talk about the film.....


2. Talking about a document that you have studied

- The first document I have chosen deals with the problem of/the idea of....

- This picture shows that .....

- This advert suggests that......

- This article proves that.....

- The author draws our attention to the fact that.......

- The journalist mentions that....

- He argues that....

- She believes that....


3. Explaining the link between the article/document and the notion presented

- This document is particularly interesting as it illustrates just how........

- There is a link between the two articles

- The two documents make us realize that.......

- From this ad we understand that.......

- The painter wants to draw our attention to the fact that......

- The journalist wants us to understand that.....


4. How to phrase your question


We may wonder to what extent this theme illustrates the notion of …


Examples of questions that may be asked:


Pour la deuxième partie de votre épreuve d’expression orale l’examinateur vous posera des questions en lien avec la notion que vous avez choisie.

It is impossible to know exactly what questions you could be asked but you can think about the sort of questions that could be asked and prepare your answers beforehand.


(Places and Forms of Power)


How do people exercise their power? What tools can they use?

What in your opinion is the most dangerous form of power?

Can you give an example of a power struggle?

What are the limits to power? How is power abused?

Why do people need to exercise their power on others?

How do people exercise their power on others? (revolution, riots, demonstrations, disobedience)














This test will take place after your listening: you will practise in class in pairs while someone will present his answer to the question

« To what extent can university be seen as a seat of power ? »

(see below or in your book for some guidelines if you need some to get started)


1/ LISTEN AND WATCH https://youtu.be/355nsovXpdk


2/ Understand what is expected:


On n’attend surtout pas un discours appris par cœur, il s’agit de vérifier que le candidat est capable de « produire un discours argumenté, informé et d’exprimer un point de vue pertinent par rapport à la notion présentée »


Présentez un plan organisé en plusieurs parties (introduction, deux ou trois arguments ou idées importantes, conclusion). Présentez vos documents et donnez aussi votre propre opinion sur la problématique (« To what extent can university be seen as a seat of power ? »)


Vous serez surtout évalué sur votre niveau de langue. Il faut donc faire attention à votre expression, votre prononciation et votre accent. Il ne faut pas apprendre votre « texte » par coeur!


N’oubliez pas que l’interaction compte pour moitié de la note finale. Montrez que vous comprenez les questions. Prenez part à l’échange, montrez que vous vous êtes intéressé au sujet et que vous avez fait vos propres recherches sur le thème.

Il ne faut pas seulement restituer des connaissances apprises par cœur sans essayer de s’exprimer naturellement, spontanément sur la notion étudiée. Il est important de donner son propre point de vue, avec ses propres mots et être capable d’échanger en anglais avec l’examinateur.


3/ Here are some documents you can watch or listen to:


I find this part of the website full of ideas and vocabulary for your oral presentation :




I find this part of the website full of documents to watch / listen before your oral presentation :




CNN is always a good address when digging for info too:





I like « TED »talk shows very much. You have talks about nearly everything. Very interesting people are here to share their knowledge and experience be it professional or other.





4/ LAST BUT NOT LEAST … The criteria that will be used to assess your oral presentation (have a look at the list below)


Get ready for your tests / Bac exams

To train for your oral comprehension (Listening exam), follow the link and choose a recording:


=> I advise you to choose « Going to University » as it sounds closely related to the topic.

However, If you have some time on your hands, listen to another one (or 2) and sum it/them up in French...





Durée : 10 minutes (le temps d'écoute n'est pas inclus dans cette durée)


Le titre donné à l'enregistrement est communiqué aux candidats.

Les candidats ont trois écoutes de l'enregistrement, séparées chacune d'une minute. Ils peuvent prendre des notes pendant chaque écoute.


Ils disposent ensuite de dix minutes pour rendre compte par écrit en français de ce qu'ils ont compris, sans exigence d’exhaustivité.


Pour chaque candidat, le professeur établit son évaluation à partir de la fiche d'évaluation et de notation correspondant à la langue (LV1 ou LV2) présentée.


The marking criteria :

(see the pictures below)









Get ready for your tests / Bac exams
Get ready for your tests / Bac exams
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