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Les présentations, c'est parti!

Les présentations, c'est parti!

A.J  (T S.I)


            Nowadays, immigration is a crucial issue in the world. For example, in Europe immigrants come from Africa and eastern Europe and Asia to escape misery or poverty, war or  racist  POLICIES.

However, the country that has mostly attracted immigrants for centuries is the USA.

It leads us to ask ourselves the reasons why people feel appealed to immigrate but also whether it is worth the effort.

To answer these questions, I have chosen several documents: first, we will talk about the USA through the cover of a special issue of Time magazine and a documentary called “the Golden Door”. Then, the study of a cartoon The American dream should give us a key to understand some difficulties immigrants may encounter.

PART 1:  Who are the Americans?

(État des lieux et histoire (USA : a nation of nations / immigrants shaped the country/ etc)


 The Time magazine cover called “The New Face of America” deals with immigration to the US nowadays and conveys a pretty good general idea about it: indeed, it is the picture of a woman who was created by a computer by   blending all the people from various geographical and cultural origins who live in the US. This photograph perfectly illustrates the diversity of the American society, not only a changing society

(<= permanent immigration and mixing of cultures brings about changes)    

but also a multicultural society and depicts the fusion of different nationalities, ethnicities and cultures.

With the documentary “the Golden Door”  we understand that for some immigrants, leaving their countries was either a matter of life and death, or the search of a better life. It partly explains what they aspire to. Indeed, in “Destination America” it is made clear that it is FREEDOM.

(Freedom to worship:

A strong desire to create a new society in which they could have a religious freedom.

- Freedom from oppression:

America offered the opportunity to make a new life in a land that valued Liberty.

- Freedom from want:

they hoped to have a better quality of life with a plot of land which was for them a means to survive and become prosperous.

- Freedom from fear:

For some of them escaping to America was not an option, it was a matter of life and death.

- Freedom to create:

Immigrants collectively represented the single greatest transfer of talent the world had ever seen)

a long line of men and women have taken refuge in America ever since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.  Looking for a better life for themselves and their families, most immigrants have seen America as a promised land.

Part 2:  Have they achieved their goals?  

Immigrants have always been attracted by the American Dream, understandably as the USA is the promised land. Yet, some documents show that reality may be somewhat different from the immigrants’ expectations.

Movies such as “ Gangs of New York” or “the immigrant” testify of the hardships and ordeals which the newcomers have to face on their arrival.

The 4-part documentary “Destination America” makes it also very clear when it tells the terrible journeys to cross the border for illegal Mexicans for example, or the anxieties of being sent back “deported” on their arrival at Ellis Island for example. A cartoon entitled “the American dream “makes it obvious that the situation is getting increasingly worse:  a crumbling bridge on the verge of collapsing vividly depicts how risky it is to immigrate; it suggests that immigrants will have to struggle to cope with a miserable life in the US. The myth is debunked. (<the myth of “the American Dream” : the promised land, a land of opportunities, better living conditions, etc => all the reasons why immigrants decide to leave their countries in the first palce)

In this light, the American Dream is a chimera but most migrants still believe there is a better future for them if they choose to immigrate to the USA, compared to the lives they would have to face otherwise. Or death.


            America is a land of opportunities in the mind of most people because the living conditions and the living standards are among the highest in the world.

Yet, there seems to be growing tensions with the global economy (that cause fierce competition between countries and other forces in play  <= such as  stock market speculation or  politics to name a few). As a result, the American Dream seems to become something more and more difficult to achieve: competition between individuals is still as fierce as ever. We may think as Bernard Sanders that “For many, the American dream has become a nightmare.” Or else  think with Fareed Zakaria that it is still alive because the USA is an exceptional country.



 (rappel : PROBLEMATIC  = adjective  “ problématique “  pour dire  “une problématique” en anglais : a question)

“Nowadays, the Immigration…”   => tu parles de l’immigration en general ici = ARTICLE ZÉRO

“to escape the misery…”  => tu parles de la misère en géneral donc ici = ARTICLE ZÉRO

the war or the racists politics => = ARTICLE ZÉRO   🍄



topic: un sujet quelconque

issue : un sujet et un problème à la fois=> un sujet avec des enjeux


AN ISSUE peut aussi signifier un “exemplaire”, ou une copie


Ne pas confondre:

politics = la politique en tant que que matière

a policy =  une politique menée:


bring about = cause = provoquer


be worth : valoir le coup


blend = mix = mélanger


convey : évoquer , communiquer, traduire


not only … but   non seulement … mais


 a chimera / kaɪˈmɪərə /    (formal) an impossible idea or hope


fierce : féroce


whether = if = si (oui ou non )


issue ['ɪʃuː]  


a matter, question question f

point point m

problem problème m

it is a very difficult issue : c'est une question or un problème très complexe

the issue is whether… : la question est de savoir si…

the main or key issue is to discover if… : la question centrale est de découvrir si…

that's the main or key issue : c'est la question principale or le problème principal

it's not a political issue : ce n'est pas une question politique

this needn't become an issue between us : il ne faut pas que ça devienne un problème entre nous

the real issue was never addressed : le vrai problème or la vraie question n'a jamais été posé(e)

to face the issue : regarder le problème en face

to evade or avoid the issue : éluder le problème | prendre la tangente

at issue

the point at issue : le point controversé

the question at issue : la question en jeu or qui fait problème

the matter at issue : l'affaire f en jeu

his integrity is not at issue : son intégrité n'est pas (mise) en doute or en cause

his political future is at issue : son avenir politique est (mis) en question or en cause

what is at issue is whether/how… : la question est de savoir si/comment…






Today I will present the notion myths and heroes.

A hero is a person who is admired for his courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a modern-day hero, a person who has performed a heroic act or simply our own personal hero, our role model, who we look up to. These facts lead us to wonder about the impact British fictional heroes have on society .We will articulate our answer around three documents: The first one is “Robinson Crusoé” the novel by Daniel Defoe that sees the birth of the “modern hero”in fiction, the second one is an excerpt from The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitzand; it revisits the story of Sherlock Holmes and thirdly, we will look at the Monty Python, a humoristic British TV series.

Part 1 

What is a modern hero? Heroes used to be all powerful characters (demigods, or kings or queens). Readers admired them but knew that they were different from them. With “Robinson Crusoe”, that changed entirely. Indeed, Daniel Defoe published it in 1719 and it revolutionized literature insofar as with this work we can trace back and witness the birth of the modern hero in a new form of literature, “the novel”, literally “the new thing. Robinson Crusoe embodies the modern hero: what makes this novel so fascinating is that it describes a world with which we are familiar, even though, in fact, that world is now 300 years old. A merchant seaman, Robinson, goes to sea to trade; among the goods that he will deal in are slaves. Robinson’s vessel is wrecked, all the crew is lost, and he is marooned on an island for 28 years. With the novel, we encounter for the first time a convention of literary representation known as realism. Is this a true story, or is it a factual fiction? At the beginning of the book, Robinson describes himself to the reader, pulling us in. We have a sense of his life. Further, the fact that Robinson is not a hero but an ordinary fellow impresses us. Robinson leaves home because he wants to make his fortune. He must make his own way in the world as an individual, starting from nothing. Life as a merchant seaman presents the prospect of getting rich. On the simplest of narrative levels, Robinson’s story is exciting. How will he survive against the elements, wild animals, and cannibals without supplies or other people?


Part 2

Now, heroes and heroines in literature are ordinary people with the same faults and problems as normal people. They have become more human. Readers can better identify with them. That allows us to relate a lot more than with classical heroes like Hercules and heroes of the Odyssey.

Now that we have defined what a modern hero is, let's look at what type of messages the authors can try to communicate. To do this, we are going to be looking at another novel, this time an excerpt of House of Silk written by Anthony Horowitz in 2011. The novel brings back to life Conan Doyle’s most famous characters, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. In this excerpt, Sherlock Holmes is able to deduce numerous facts about Watson's day simply by observing him. The way this novel was written has us searching with Watson to understand Holmes' secret talent of observation. This novel tells us many things about the British, the fact that the characters are meeting up for tea, that they are always very well-dressed, and polite but also that they are smart: the hero is a detective and it advertises intelligence and Scotland Yard at the same time.

Because the characters aren't supernatural we easily believe that they are real British characters. Thus, an author can communicate any sort of ideas. He has the power to participate in the making of clichés and the making of a national identity. Indeed, Sherlock Holmes certainly embodies Britishness to my mind. He is one of the fictional British heroes that plays a major role in fiction as Robinson Crusoe, the adventurer, echoed the British appetite for conquest and money making.


Part 3

Now, let's talk more about the impact modern heroes can have on society with heroes from British series. They can’t be ignored as they are so much influential on people’s everyday lives :they spend hours and hours  watching them and commenting on them.The heroes in series are inspired by the average English man and in turn they influence people they mirror. The Monty Python illustrates British humour very well. The comedy group was created in 1969 and changed British culture forever by passing every night on the BBC. The group illustrated cultural traits with a very eccentric and disproportionate sense of humour. They managed to make the English population laugh about very basic things that hadn't been seen as humoristic ever before. This "new" sense of humor was adopted by the English and has stayed ever since. We can see this for example in their show about a pet store, when a man is trying to get a refund because his parrot died. This situation that isn't really extraordinary is blown out of proportion in a very comical way.


We can now answer the question by saying that modern heroes are an effective way to impact our society. The Modern hero is a very effective way of moving the public as it is easy for us to relate. The hero doesn't need to be a "good" person anymore and this allows a much larger palette to create heroes that match the idea we want to communicate. We have also seen that any sort of information could thus be communicated, be it humoristic or maybe just a cultural ideal. The best part about modern heroes is that they have a very important impact. Indeed, modern heroes never go out of trend and can touch people of all generations, of all countries even, about any subject, for example a political ideal can be communicated to children through the story of a young student who would become President of an unknown country. We also understand that modern heroes mirror reality although in its altered, constructed way, and that in turn feeds the creation of new heroes. As well, a close study of British heroes may help one to understand the evolution of the notion of Britishness through time.





In order to deal with the notion ‘spaces and exchanges’, we are going to talk about immigration to the USA. The USA is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, and is home to the world's largest immigrant population which leads us to wonder what the new Americans aspire to . Several documents will help us answer this question: a four part-documentary entitled “destination America” and three cartoons called The American Dream, the Tidal Wave and the Statue of Liberty


Part 1

We need to understand the reasons why some people leave their homelands to live in a country that is not their own. In “Destination America”, part …. We learn that people from all around the world immigrated to to flee War/ poverty/religious persecution/ human rights/ better living conditions or opportunities

Developer avec des exemples pris dans les vidéos




Part 2

  1. we understand that for some immigrants, leaving their countries was either a matter of life and death, or the search of a better life. It partly explains what they aspire to. Indeed, in “Destination America” it is made clear that it is FREEDOM.


Freedom to worship:

A strong desire to create a new society in which they could have a religious freedom.

- Freedom from oppression:

America offered the opportunity to make a new life in a land that valued Liberty.

- Freedom from want:

Immigrants hoped to have a better quality of life with a plot of land which was for them a means to survive and become prosperous.

- Freedom from fear:

Escaping to America was not an option, it was a matter of life and death for some immigrants.

- Freedom to create:

Immigrants collectively represented the single greatest transfer of talent the world had ever seen

Part 3

Have they fulfilled their dreams? They were all attracted by what is called the American dream which is a set of ideals and it is rooted in the Declaration of Independence. These ideals are exactly what the immigrants are after However the cartoon entitled ‘the American dream” shows that this dream is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve

(parle du document)



Rappel de la leçon (aussi sur blog d’ailleurs) tu prend ce qui est pertinent pour ton développement. NE PLAQUE PAS LE COURS DIRECTEMENT ÉVIDEMMENT :

The American Dream is represented by the American flag called the stars and stripes (or the star-spangled banner), a big sign surrounded by multicoloured bulb lights.

Theses lights symbolizes the different ethnic groups / the melting-pot. They can imagine they are bright and shiny to make America look attractive: as if it were still a Land of Opportunities (a land of Plenty). Emigrants can then think that they will have a promising future there.


After climbing a flight of stairs ( a symbol for social mobility), some people from different backgrounds (white and blue collars, families, etc.) can be seen on their ways to cross a bridge that is about to collapse/ crumble down. They are walking past the American Flag and the promising prospects of the sign « the American Dream ». The people represent the emigrants in search of a better life: they want to start anew/ from scratch. It makes us think of the expression « from a rags to riches » because that’s what the American Dream is all about too, the emigrants want to have better living conditions, education for their children, good wages, etc.


The bridge stands for a gateway to the US. However, the fact that it is falling into pieces shows that their migrants’ lives and prospects are at risk because the way is dangerous / unsafe / uncertain, hazardous.


In this cartoon, the American dream is debunked / shown in its plain reality: the reality is harsh / bleak and the emigrants will have to fight /strive / struggle to live properly, or to cope with a miserable life in the US.



Conclusion  ....

Une correction pour J.S    To what extent is  the American Dream still alive?


J....., tu n'as pas lu / appliqué mes conseils méthodos, tu es parti sur ton idée (tu n'avais pas besoin de définir la notion "espaces et échanges" puisque tu la traites sous un angle particulier, c'est cela qui doit être défini clairement).


Pour ton intro:


1/ definition des mots clés de ta problématique. Ici ce sont : American Dream et "still alive"

ce qui te conduit à devoir définir le rêve Américain mis en perspective avec le temps et l'histoire jusqu'à nos jours car c'est ce qui est sous entendu par "encore vivant".

Ainsi les enjeux sont clairement posés et cela t'aidera à orienter l'analyse de tes documents pour répondre à ta question... Clairement et sans perdre de vue les enjeux.


2/ problématique


3/ annonce des documents.


Parties du devoir


Tu remarqueras que


- j'ai essayé d'articuler un maximum (indeed, thus, etc.)


-  je n'ai pas perdu de vue ma "question" (= la problématique en français) :

                         un seul objectif; y répondre!!                         


😲Fais attention de ne pas faire des "copiés-collés " de pans entiers d'analyses réalisées en classe. En effet, il faut adapter pour ta présentation!  (un défaut fort bien partagé par quelques camarades de classe je te rassure...Mais qui te desservira le jour "J")


🔑De plus, je te conseille de préparer aussi tes 3 présentations en notes, (plan + idées clés)


Je te laisse finir ta seconde partie et ta conclusion. J'espère que ce travail de correction va te mettre sur la voie.


🔑Je t'ai mis le vocabulaire utilisé. Il faudra le maîtriser!

Il faudra également t'entrainer à imaginer les questions que l'examinateur aura envie de te poser en écoutant cette présentation.

Imaginer les questions te permettra d'anticiper sur les réponses, du coup préparer un peu tes outils...😀



Les 5 mn en interaction: une discussion= il faut te montrer capable de discuter en anglais, réagir, reformuler quand tu ne trouves pas un mot, parvenir à intéresser ton interlocuteur / te montrer intéressé, ne pas te laisser débouter si tu ne connais pas une réponse trop pointue, tu peux essayer de réfléchir tout haut pour donner une hypothèse. Il faudra être détendu si possible, disponible et ouvert pour discuter.

Bien entendu, "all in English"


⚡️Courage, continue de te préparer⚡️

🌐Ce travail te servira pour d'autres oraux, si tu le fais bien🌐





Throughout American history, millions of people around the world have left their homelands for a chance to start a new life in the USA—and they continue to come here to this day.

Over the past 400 years, immigrants have had different reasons to come to America. Some came to escape war, others for the freedom to practise the religion of their choice. Still others came for the opportunity to own land or simply for a chance to work and escape poverty.

They were all driven by the hope to achieve their goal and they were all attracted by what is referred as "the American Dream". It is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that "all men are created equal" with the right to "life, liberty' and the pursuit of happiness".

Our modern-day world is changing quickly so we may wonder to what extent the American Dream is still alive.

In order to answer this question I have chosen two documents.The first one is a cartoon named “A DAY WITHOUT illegal IMMIGRANTS” and the second one is a documentary called “the golden door” and produced by David Grubin.


Part 1


“A DAY WITHOUT illegal IMMIGRANTS” deals with the issue of immigration in a humorous way. It turns the Statue of Liberty into an exhausted worker that slaves all day long. It is shocking as the Statue is an iconic symbol of the American dream.

Indeed, we can see her doing all kinds of chores such as doing the dishes, picking up fruits, chopping chickens on an assembly line, changing a baby diaper, sweeping the floor, fixing the roof. In a word, the kind of jobs no one wants to do because they are manual work or even debasing jobs.

We understand that she stands for the illegal immigrants. It shows that America not only relies but also depends on them because it is either unable or unwilling to do these jobs. Indeed, it’s all the more interesting for American employers to hire a paperless alien as the wages will be low and they will do anything to work regardless of the working conditions. This helps the economy of a country to thrive and become very prosperous: cheap labour is an economical boost.

Thus, we see that the Statue of Liberty which usually incarnates a universal symbol of liberty has become a symbol of enslavement in order to denounce the hardships that immigrants in search of better lives will have to face: debasing jobs, little money and a dream that looks like a nightmare.

Over the years the Statue has become the Mother of Exiles, greeting millions of immigrants and embodying hope and opportunity for those seeking a better life in America. The message is extremely ironic as the cartoonist uses symbols in a complete reversal situation to emphasize his point of view : the USA is shown as a land of enslavement instead of a land of opportunity and liberty. The myth of the American dream is debunked.


Throughout : tout au long de

homelands : patries

Still others : d'autres encore

own : posséder

driven by : motivé par

achieve their goal : parvenir à leur fin

deals with : traiter de / parler de

it is rooted : c'est ancré / cela prend ses racines dans

proclaim: proclamer

an assembly line : à la chaîne

hire : employer

wages : les rémunérations / salaires / paies / gages

regardless : sans tenir compte de

thrive : prospérer

cheap labour : main d'oeuvre pas chère

a boost: un stimulant

Thus ainsi

hardships : épreuves

face: affronter

debasing dégradant

a nightmare: un cauchemar

emphasize : mettre en relief, souligner, insister

instead of au lieu de

turns ... into : transformer

Indeed en effet

chores corvées

stands for représenter

not only relies but also depends on non seulement compte sur mais aussi dépend de

either unable or unwilling to soit incapable, soit réticente à

all the more d'autant plus

debunked : démythifié (= Supprimer en tant que mythe.)





N.S. 's intro :


Spaces and exchanges

I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of the word “exchanges”. The different spaces of the world are more and more connected to each other nowadays. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, information. Immigration is linked to this notion as it implies that people leave their own countries to start anew in others.

So I am interested in getting a better understanding as to the advantages and disadvantages there are in immigrating. What are they?

To get a better grasp of this question I will first talk about some humurous cartoons “the American Dream”, the Tidal wave” and The statue of Liberty” to expose some issues at stakes. Then, we will use a 4 part documentary called “Destination America” that will enable us to be confronted with reality in the field.

L.G.'s work so far


Teacher’s observations:

Expatriation = living in a country that is not their own. Ex: American expatriates in Paris (NOT OUR SUBJECT)

= they are still American, they will return, it is temporary

≠ ≠ ≠

immigration: the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own. (OXFORD DEFINITION)


You haven’t find a proper question (= problématique). When you define a word I strongly advise you to look up the word in a dictionary (I personally prefer the Oxford’s) and start from there.


So I have done the beginning of your intro again and offered a question (I tried to analyze your intro to find something that would be as close as possible).


Now, you have to work again to continue the presentation.

1/ read the list I have finally done in correction of the work I gave you in class (unfinished but well in the process). This document will help you build your essay.



Spaces and exchanges => Immigration:


I’m going to talk about the idea of spaces and exchanges through the theme of the immigration to the USA.

  1. is the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own. For centuries, people have chosen America as their new homelands. We may wonder the reasons why they have done so, and whether they have found what they have been seeking. To answer these questions, we will use several documents : first, « … » to …. Secondly, « …. » to ….


Part 1 : ………


Part 2 : ……..


Conclusion : …..

(answer with main ideas but they must bring a new light on the issue / opinion / ouverture)

J.S.'s presentation (corrected) TS SI SVT


Throughout American history, millions of people around the world have left their homelands for a chance to start a new life in the USA—and they continue to this day.

Over the past 400 years, immigrants have had different reasons to come to America. Some came to escape war, others for the freedom to practise the religion of their choice. Still others came for the opportunity to own land or simply for a chance to work and escape poverty.

They were all driven by the hope to achieve their goals and they were all attracted by what is referred as "the American Dream". It is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that "all men are created equal" with the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Our modern-day world is changing quickly so we may wonder to what extent the American Dream is still alive.

In order to answer this question I have chosen two documents. The first one is a cartoon named “A DAY WITHOUT illegal IMMIGRANTS”. The second document is called Destination America, a four-part documentary


Part 1

“A DAY WITHOUT illegal IMMIGRANTS” deals with the issue of immigration in a humorous way. It turns the Statue of Liberty into an exhausted worker that slaves all day long. It is shocking as the Statue is an iconic symbol of the American dream.

Indeed, we can see her doing all kinds of chores such as doing the dishes, picking up fruits, chopping chickens on an assembly line, changing a baby diaper, sweeping the floor, fixing the roof. In a word, the kind of jobs no one wants to do because they are manual work or even debasing jobs.

We understand that she stands for the illegal immigrants. It shows that America not only relies but also depends on them because it is either unable or unwilling to do these jobs. Indeed, it’s all the more interesting for American employers to hire a paperless alienas the wages will be low and they will do anything to work regardless of the working conditions. This helps the economy of a country to thrive and become very prosperous: cheap labour is an economical boost.

Thus, we see that the Statue of Liberty which usually incarnates a universal symbol of liberty has become a symbol of enslavement in order to denounce the hardships that immigrants in search of better lives will have to face: debasingjobs, little money and a dream that looks like a nightmare.

Over the years the Statue has become the Mother of Exiles, greeting millions of immigrants and embodying hope and opportunity for those seeking a better life in America. The message is extremely ironic as the cartoonist uses symbols in a complete reversal situation to emphasize his point of view : the USA is shown as a land of enslavement instead of a land of opportunity and liberty. The myth of the American dream is debunked.



This rather critical view of the American Dream must be confronted with reality on the field. That's what the second documentary of a sequel entitled

“Destination America” will enable us to do to some extent. It is partly relevant because it depicts the experience of 2 people who decided to leave their birth countries to live the American Dream more or less. We will deal with 2 legal immigrants.

The first one is a Taiwanese dancer. She had always wanted to be a professional modern dancer and she wanted her career to skyrocket. This is the reason why she left her country. In Art, since the Second World War, the place to be has become the USA if you want to be at the top of your trade. In this video she gives a testimony of the ups and downs she went through. However, she makes it clear that she's made her dream come true in spite of all the difficulties and hardships. She encourages others to follow in her steps if they are determined even though she acknowledges she has been extremely lucky.


The second character of the documentary is about a worldwide-known Italian conductor. He had been fighting against the dictatorship of Mussolini and he did not want to leave his homeland but he had to flee in the end in order to save his life. For him the American dream was quite a different matter: he experienced it as a political exile and he only chose to immigrate because he feared for his life. However, it was also a land of opportunity as it enabled him to continue the fight against fascism and he could carry on his career and become the best conductor of his time.

So, "the Golden door", as this second part is called, seems to apply fairly to a certain number of immigrants but also to lots of illegals who still find it worthwhile the effort if we are to believe the testimony of an illegal Mexican immigrant in the third part of the documentary "Destination America".


To conclude, we can say that people still believe in the American dream because they keep leaving their counties in the hope of finding better living conditions in the USA. They believe everything is possible there because history and reports tend to tell the same successful tales and when you are desperate to find a job or save your life you can't be too particular. This is the case for undocumented workers who do menial, or debasing jobs. The dream will continue as long as some people testify that it is a way to survive or succeed. The myth of the American Dream is fading though with the rise of racism, poverty and violence within the American nation.



🌲Here you can guess the questions that may be asked... => who do the debasing jobs? Clearly your two examples do not "foot the bill" as they are educated people with a little money. Not illegals.

This question may lead to others according to your answer.

You have to listen again to the illegal Mexican immigrant: his testimony was enlightening and it will provide you with the right answers.


🌵Also you need to know the names of your two legal immigrants and of the illegal.

I have done my best to add the third illegal immigrant as the essay was to unbalanced otherwise.

What I have cut out of your presentation: just some blah blah that did not help you answer the question that you chose to deal with and exposed in you introduction.


🍀Please, try to analyze the work here so as to prepare better oral presentations. You need to understand that you start with the definitions of the key words of your question. Then your documents must be very smartly picked as they will enable you to discuss and offer an answer to your question.


🌳If that can be of any comfort, know that this blah blah may help you answer your examiner's question for the 5 minutes' interaction part of your exam.


 A few questions

what is a myth? Why do you call the American Dream "a myth"?

What are the difficulties immigrants have to face?

Why are there still so many illegals trying to cross the frontier?

The USA used to be open to immigrants. Why


🐠finally, I advise you to practice this presentation: 1/learn 2/ take 10' and write your notes 3/ set the timer on 5 minutes and record yourself 4 / send me your recording



im•mi•gra•tion noun 

BrE / ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃn /      [U] (uncountable)

1 the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own;  

 laws restricting immigration into the US

 a rise/ fall in immigration

 immigration officers

 compare emigration

2 (also immigration control) the place at a port, an airport, etc. where the passports and other documents of people coming into a country are checked

 to go through immigration


solace : réconfort, soulagement, consolation


ease V : apaiser, calmer, soulager, …


hazardous : risky, dangerous 

Alban's introduction for Spaces and Exchanges   



The United State is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, and is home to the world's largest immigrant population.


It makes one ponder about immigrants’ motives:

What are the advantages of moving to another country to study or find work especially in the United States?


We cannot fully understand this issue here if we do not start by the reasons why they left in the first place. Destination America, a four-part documentary will help us understand the reasons why they left their countries. It will clearly show us the advantages


The first one is a cartoon named “A DAY WITHOUT illegal IMMIGRANTS”. The second document is called Destination America, a four-part documentary



ponder : réfléchir à or sur

I constantly pondered this question : je réfléchissais constamment à cette question


several : plusieurs


in the first place : as a preliminary d'abord, au préalable


advantages    ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ => /ə/ comme dans about

pronounce bien le son /d/

/ʒ/ c’est comme “je”

1/ Toujours préférer une formule avec un verbe en anglais (S + VB + C)


2/ With the help of several documents, I am going to address this question.


  • C’est bien intentionné mais cela n’apporte pas grand-chose en terme d’apports nouveaux


  • Si tu veux dire cela, apporte des éléments utiles à ton examinateurs pour l’informer :

tu vas faire 2 parties et tu as varier les types de documents : textes, photo, vidéo, cartoon (ça c’est positif !)

  • I have divided my presentation in two parts and I will use different kinds of documents to address this question.





3/ Il vaut mieux annoncer tes parties clairement puis tes documents : tu dois être le plus claire possible pour ton examinateur : le mieux il suit ta réflexion, meilleure sera ton évaluation de performance (= bonne communication, claire, structurée)


using two documents such as a magazine cover and a video. I am going to talk about the American Dream still being present amongst immigrants.

  • First, I intend to show how the American Dream is envisioned by immigrants.  To do so, I will illustrate my point through two documents: the cover of a special Time Magazine issue and a documentary entitled “the Golden door”.




4 I am going to show that nowadays, this dream can be just an illusion.


OUI bien, mais peut-être bien aussi avec un propos plus nuancé, prudent + amener un peut de suspense :

  • Secondly, I would like to examine to what extent the American Dream can be an illusion

or worse.  

= cela  te permet d’introduire un élément de suspense pour intéresser ton examinateur


5/ ne pas confondre le Time et Time magazine…


6/ « to conclude » à utiliser pour la conclusion, pas au milieu de tes paragrahes



7/ des parties à retravailler.


8/ la conclusion est marche.

Oral expression: Spaces and exchanges


I’m going to talk about the notion “Spaces and exchanges”.

This notion deals with the idea of giving one thing and receiving another in return. These exchanges can take several forms: movement of people, immigration or students exchanges, but also cultural exchangeS of ideas.

To deal with this notion I have chosen to illustrate it with a much-debated issue, that is - Immigration in the United States. We may wonder to what extent the American Dream is still alive. I have divided my presentation in two parts and I will use different kinds of documents to address this question.


First, I intend to show how the American Dream is envisioned by immigrants.  To do so, I will illustrate my point through two documents: the cover of a special Time Magazine issue and a documentary entitled “the Golden door”.


Secondly, I would like to examine to what extent the American Dream can be an illusion or worse. To that purpose,  I will use  a set of drawingS, as well as a recording.




            To start with, I’m going to talk about the cover of a special issue of a magazine entitled TIME MAGAZINE. It focuses on the American multicultural society. Indeed, the USA were shaped by its immigrants. This cover REPRESENTS THE picture of a woman; it was designed by A computer ; THE RESULT IS A SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT THE mix OF several races IN ONE FACE and IT aimS AT SHOWING THAT THE USA IS A YOUNG AND ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE FROM  DIFFERENT COUNTRIES HAVE COME TOGETHER TO CREATE A NEW KIND OF PEOPLE.




tu fais les choses un peu à l’envers : tu peux annoncer un document au début, puis développer les idées comme je t’ai corrigé ci-dessus.


Mais les documents normalement viennent à l’appui des idées que tu apportes au début, en illustration, en preuve.

= on étudie des documents en classe qui te fournissent des informations, et des pistes de réflexion.


Tu reprends les idées que tu as dégagé de ces documents étudiés en cours et tu donnes les documents en APPUI /  en PREUVE / en ILLUSTRATION…


ce n’est pas cela que tu fais ci-après, et c’est quelque peu incohérent (il faut reprendre, partir d’une idée, argumenter et amener ton doc en apppui)) :


            The Golden Door is a documentary on the reasons why people emigrate to the US, and it unveils the hardships they face, their successes and failures.

A few historians offer some explanation regarding the history of the US and the immigration process.

So, once more we can say that the American Dream is still alive, because thousands of illegal immigrants do cross the border every day, in spite of the danger.





Moreover, we also studied a cartoon describing all the hard and underpaid jobs illegal immigrants do in America. Indeed, they provide America with cheap labour. The author denounces the fact that the American Dream is a myth, as the statue of Liberty, this supposedly great American symbol of equality, freedom and hope is shown doing all the chores. "




=>  on ne comprend pas que c’est ta seconde partie ici

moreover = de plus


correction début:


Now, regarding the opportunities promised by the idea of the “American Dream”, let’s focus on 3 cartoons by KAL. The first one is entitled “the American Dream”


expliquer le but de cette BD


passer au 2nd pareil  puis 3e




   "Finally, the audio document “Lady liberty battle” tells us that in August 2017 the Raise Act supported by Donald Trump intends to cut legal immigration by half. The Green card applicants will be selected according to their language proficiency and college education. So, it’s getting all the more difficult to live the American Dream, as citizenship is only granted to the happy few, and against all the founded values the statue of Liberty embodies."        



Besides, in an extract of ABC News entitled “Lady liberty battle” aired in Augsut 2017, we learn that the Raise Act supported by Donald Trump intends to cut legal immigration by half. The Green card applicants will be selected according to their language proficiency and college education. So, it’s getting all the more difficult to live the American Dream, as citizenship is only granted to the happy few, and against all the founded values the statue of Liberty embodies.




            As far as I am concerned, the American dream is an ideal of freedom, equality, and opportunity, supposedly available to every American, a possibility to « climb the social Ladder ». It is the dream of a life of personal happiness and material comfort. But in reality, I don’t think it’s possible for everybody to reach the American dream, because it depends on the family situation, the access to education…


In conclusion, I can therefore say that nowadays the American dream is still alive  in the minds of immigrants. Indeed, despite the risks and difficulties that await them in the USA, that country remains very attractive to them.


J’ai donc essayé de garder tes arguments en les réorganisant afin de produire une réflexion avec un fil conducteur.

Je te demande de bien lire et relire ce remaniement afin de comprendre comment il faut procéder sachant que j’ai repris ton travail en essayant de le faire entrer dans les attendus méthodologiques suivants :


  • intro =>  poser la notion, le thème, une question/ un problème à résoudre à travers deux axes de réflexion.


  • développement : des idées pour réfléchir et argumenter que tu as pioché dans les documents traités en classe, et qui viennent:
  1. soit introduire une idée que tu vas développer,
  2. soit illustrer une idée que tu vas justifier avec le document cité


  • Conclusion : point d’arrivée de ta réflexion, elle doit:
  1.  apporter une réponse au problème posé en introduction.
  2. Apporter un nouvel éclairage, c' est un plus. Ici, j’ai choisi une citation (fournie sur le blog) de James Joyce pour faire cela => culturellement intéressant : le point de vue d’un Irlandais.


Du vocabulaire apporté à ton devoir:

  • a thought = une pensée
  • think, thought, thought  = VB penser
  • through : à travers 
  • ENDEAVOUR / ɪnˈdevə(r) /= an attempt to do sth, especially sth new or difficult  (tenter de)
  • realize:  se rendre compte
  • réaliser : achieve, fulfil, make, carry out, …




TS-SVT                                   Notion 1 : Space and Exchange

Topic : Immigration in the US


I’m going to talk about the notion of space and exchange THROUGH the topic « Immigration in the US ». Both can be related TO the question :

I’d like to given a definition of this notion: This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.

So, in this context, we may wonder to what extent the American Dream IS still alive.

TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION, we will FIRST  FOCUS ON the reasonS why people immigrate and choose/ FAVOR the USA as their destination with A document ENTITLED « the New Americans » BUT WE WILL  USE an investigation ABOUT THE « origins of our ancestors » FOR STARTERS. IN A SECOND PART, we will ENDEAVOUR define the American Dream with the document « the new face of America », a cartoon entitled « the American Dream » and an investigation « 10-years plan ».



Part 1

IF WE investigatE THE origins of our ancestors WE COME TO REALIZE that quite a number of our ancestors come from elsewhere, and we EVEN SOMETIMES LEARN that some members of our families or some acquaintances started anew in the US. Some of them immigrated to get a job, or because they hoped to have a better way of life, they were attracted BY the American lifestyle.



THROUGH a webquest called « the New AmericaNS » to realize DO with the help of SEVERAL ARTICLES ON a WEBsite and IN OUR TEXTbook, WE GROW AWARE THAT the United States is called a nation of nations because this country has been shaped by migrants. This document REVEALS THAT the industrial revolution that boostED the country ECONOMY and CREATED SUCH job opportunities that IT ATTRACTED MILLIONS OF IMMIGRANTS IN SEARCH OF A BETTER LIFE. In addition, the country had many fertile AND cheap PLOTS OF land which increased the attractiveness of this country. The MEANS OF transportation haD become much faster, safer and cheaper thanks to the INVENTION OF steamships THAT REPLACED SLOWER SAILING SHIPS; AS A RESULT THE NUMBER of IMmigrants from all over the world INCREASED.

The reasons that pushed migrants PEOPLE TO LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHING AND GO AWAY   to come to the US are varied AND ARE SOMEWHAT ALWAYS THE SAME: THEY FLED AND STILL FLEE  FROM WAR, FROM starvation, FROM unemployment, FROM persecution, FROM SOME unfertile land, TO start a new ANEW IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET A better life OR JUST TO HAVE A CHANCE TO SURVIVE… They WERE IN search OF FREEDOOM : THE freedom to worship and create, THE freedom FROM persecution and THE FREEDOM FROM poverty and war.  They SEEM TO have found IT ALL in this country AS WELL AS SOME confidence, THAT IS the guarantee and the assurance of being free and able to prosper AS IT IS STATED IN THEIR CONSTITUTION.


Part 2


HERE IT IS INTERESTING TO EVOKE THE cover of a special issue of a magazine entitled « Time » WHOSE HEADLINE WAS « the new face of America ». It deals with the people who live in the USA nowadays. The focus of the picture is the face of young attractive woman representing a melting pot of people, she isn’t not real BECAUSE she was created by a computer. The face of the woman here is an allegory representing the youth and the attractiveness of the US, indeed, it is a young country that continually attracts new people full of energy and hope and at the same time it also shows that immigrants have shaped the US and have brought multiculturalism and diversity.

In other words, if you consider immigrating, it seems to me very attractive to choose a country where you will find people just like you, uprooted, and ready to start from scratch.




« The American Dream » is


WITH a cartoon drawN by Kal, WE GET TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS NOT AS SIMPLE AND IT EVEN HINTS AT THE OPPOSITE IDEA. This document showS us that it is getting increasingly difficult to immigrate because it’s not easy to get a green card, most PEOPLE become undocumented and put themselves at risk while being SOMETIMES far from their loved ones IF WE REFER TO LATINOS FOR EXAMPLE.



NEVERTHELESS, I WOULD LIKE TO mention AN investigation entitled « 10-years plan » THAT WE DID in our class BECAUSE IT allows ME to highlight THE FACT that lots of young people aged 18 consider emigrating to the USA AS AN OTION to get better job opportunities.




THUS, to conclude, we can say that the American dream is very much alive in the minds of lots of people STILL.

It was certainly a reality FOR a great number of people that found safety and job opportunities in the past centuries as in 19th century; it was very powerful because there were fortunes to be made, jobs to be taken, business to do.


Today, we find THE same beliefS AND THE SAME HOPE OF better wages, good living standards, vast territory to gain, HOPE TO BE PART OF ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD WHOSE language IS spoken worldwide.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, WE CANNOT FAIL TO SEE THAT the aTtractiveness FOR THE USA  remains very strong in spite of the immigration crisis.

Nevertheless, even if it remains very present in morals ALL THE MORE AS people are being warned of the trouble and DIFFICULTIES they WILL have to face AND OVERCOME.


And we may ponder over the following extract of a dialogue from a novel by James Joyce :

“I smiled at him. America, I said quietly, just like that. What is it? The sweepings of every country including our own. Isn't that true? That's a fact.” 



  • WHETHER= IF (si)
  • ponder ['pɒndəʳ]     réfléchir à or sur

 I constantly pondered this question je réfléchissais constamment à cette question

 I'm always pondering how to improve it je me demande tout le temps comment l'améliorer







Oral Bac Anglais 1ère notion     D. P.  TSVT

  • is usually known  = est connu  (passif)
  • look back on = reflect on
  • because of the poverty, the disease, war, the potato famine in Ireland but also because of the religious and political persecutions.

→j’enlève l’article “the” car je ne spécifie pas un élément particulier, j’évoque un évènement “en general” . Par contre je garde the pour le cas de l’Irlande, car il s’agit d’un cas spécifique au contraire.

  • All the more so as : d’autant plus que
  • Obviously, …    : (= de façon évidente) =>  je varie les expressions qui me permettent d’articuler les idées (mots de liaisons, afin de ne pas répéter toujours “so”
  • n’oubie pas la virgule après ces mots de liaisons, ils marques ta pause à l’oral d’ailleurs
  • to go in the U.S = to go to the U.S       attention aux  verbes de movement : go TO   (c’est une faute de base à éviter absolument)  => I am at school in Gujan / I go to school / I go to Gujan Gujan  => I go to school in Gujan = I go to school  (that is located) in Gujan


  • …people who want to emigrate to the U.S.   : je préfère “emigrate” ici, plus précis, et tu n’as pas encore intégré que tu dois avoir “the” devant  «  USA »…! règle : pas d’article quand le pays est au singulier, «article « the » quand il est au pluriel : exemple : the Netherlands (les Pays Bas / Hollande)  c’est une faute de base.


Introduction :

I’m going to talk about the notion « Spaces and Exchanges ». First of all, I’d like to define it : indeed these two words refer to the way men build their world and their societies and also to the interactions taking place between them and all the countries. The exchanges may be commercial, virtual, linguistic or cultural. Here, to deal with this notion I have chosen to talk about immigration in the U.S because it has been the largest host country of these last centuries attracting millions of immigrants drawn by the « American Dream ». But our world has changed and we may wonder to what extent the « American Dream » is still alive?

To answer this question, we will first try to explain why the U.S is so attractive. To illustrate my point, I will use 2 documents: the website Destination America and the accounts of two immigrants. Then, in a second part we will try to show that it is getting increasingly difficult to emigrate to the U.S and live the « American Dream ». To do so, we will use a cartoon entitled « A day without illegal immigrants » and a recording called « Lady Liberty Battle » from ABC News, an American TV Channel.

1-An Attractive country :

Two words can encapsulate the idea of immigration: « push » and « pull ». And what is usually known as the « American Dream » is what has pulled people to the U.S. First, to understand the reasons why the American Dream has grown and why it remains alive, we must look back on the past and more specifically on  the second half of the 19th century. To this end, I’m going to use the website Destination America with its web page “U.S Immigration” that shows us why people wanted to go to U.S. In other words, what “pushed them out of their native country. ”These people fled their countries for different reasons: because of the poverty, the disease, war, the potato famine in Ireland but also because of the religious and political persecutions. The industrial revolution also boosted the country and offered many job opportunities.

And when these immigrants arrived in the U.S, they found the freedom that they were looking for. That was the “American Dream”, that was what had “pulled” them to America: they could start anew and have the opportunity to live a better life and fulfil their dream in a free country. That’s the promise of the American Dream.

 Some of them got the freedom to worship, and they had a strong desire to create a new society in which they could have their religious freedom. Others found themselves free from oppression or free from fear and poverty. For some of them escaping to America was not an option, it was a matter of life and death. That’s how the American Dream came true for a lot of people and that’s why it’s still very much alive in the minds of many people all around the word.

As to the second document it is a recording which includes the accounts of two newcomers who are named Farah and Fang. These two personal stories will enable us to prove that the American Dream is still true for some people. Both Farah and Fang come from different parts of the world: Farah says she comes from Iran and Fang comes from the island of Taiwan. Actually, they immigrated for different reasons, one of them for professional reasons and the other one emigrated for political reasons. Indeed, Fang left her country to become a professional modern dancer because Taiwan was too small for her ambition. And as far as Farah was concerned, she came to become an independent woman in America. The U.S offered them what they were looking for: freedom and career opportunities. In fact, what the American Dream is all about. So this leads us to think that the American Dream is very much still alive and that it continues to spread around the word for the same reasons as ever: freedom and job opportunities.

2-Many difficulties

avec une transition au début:

cependant on ne peut nier que le rêve américain tourne parfois au cauchemar américain si on en croît certains témoignages de ceux qui ont vécu des épreuves difficiles telles que la nostalgie du pays, la solitude, la difficulté de trouver sa place / de s’intégrer, et cela nous amène à notre 2nde partie

Yet, there is no denying that the American Dream sometimes turn into an American nightmare if we are to believe the testimonies of those who experienced hardships like homesickness, loneliness and difficulties to fit in and this leads us to our second part.

To deal with the various difficulties faced by immigrants who try to live the American Dream, let’s evoke a news report from the ABC news channel which presented the new immigration plan of the US president Trump in August 2017. Thanks to this new plan of bill called R.A.I.S.E BILL, he intends to cut legal immigration in half. To this end, the applicants for the Green card will be sorted by discrimination according to their language proficiency and college education. So, we can say that for many people all around the world who want to immigrate, this kind of bill will severely limit their opportunities to have a try to the American Dream. All the more so as we can note that in the document it’s said that the two senators who presented this bill described the plan as modest and incremental. Consequently, we can deduce that the obstacles for immigrants are on the rise.

Now, let us turn to the cartoon that will allow us to develop our point. It is entitled « A day without illegal immigrants ». We can see the Statue of Liberty who is doing all kinds of chores such as doing the dishes, fixing a roof, changing a baby diaper or cleaning the floor. The kind of jobs no one wants to do because they are manual work. We realize that she is doing the jobs that the undocumented immigrants usually do and here she appears as a sort of slave. Ironically, the Statue of Liberty incarnates / embodies a universal symbol of freedom so the myth of the American Dream is debunked here. Indeed, the reality is harsh and cruel for many newcomers. Obviously, this cartoon bringS a new light on the reality behind the « American Dream »: people are being warned of the trouble and the hardships they may have to face if they choose to go to the U.S.

Conclusion :

  • To conclude, the U.S has always been a country of immigration, offering some job opportunities and freedom. That’s how the American Dream was born and nowadays it appears to be still alive if we consider the number of people who want to emigrate to the U.S. Nevertheless, it’s getting increasingly difficult to achieve the American Dream. In my opinion, the American dream is tending to fade / become less attractive as the American government’s policies are making life increasingly difficult for newcomers


because of the American politics that make life difficult for newcomers.

  • as the American (government’s) policies are making life increasingly difficult for newcomers

tu as beaucoup utilisé “because of.           As = comme    c’est une façon d’enrichir ton expression, il faut varier…


 the government's policies :  la politique du gouvernement




  • fantastic:  know that …

fan•tas•tic adj.

BrE / fænˈtæstɪk /

NAmE / fænˈtæstɪk /


1 (informal) extremely good; excellent  great, brilliant

 a fantastic beach in Australia

 a fantastic achievement

 The weather was absolutely fantastic.  

 You've got the job? Fantastic!  

2 (informal) very large; larger than you expected  enormous, amazing

 The response to our appeal was fantastic.  

 The car costs a fantastic amount of money.  

3 (also less frequent fan•tas•tic•al) [usually before noun] strange and showing a lot of imagination  weird

 fantastic dreams of forests and jungles

4 impossible to put into practice

 a fantastic scheme/ project

 fan•tas•tic•al•ly / BrE fænˈtæstɪkli  NAmE fænˈtæstɪkli / adv.

 fantastically successful

 a fantastically shaped piece of stone


fan•tas•tic adj.

BrE / fænˈtæstɪk /

NAmE / fænˈtæstɪk /


1 (informal) extremely good; excellent  great, brilliant

 a fantastic beach in Australia

 a fantastic achievement

 The weather was absolutely fantastic.  

 You've got the job? Fantastic!  

2 (informal) very large; larger than you expected  enormous, amazing

 The response to our appeal was fantastic.  

 The car costs a fantastic amount of money.  

3 (also less frequent fan•tas•tic•al) [usually before noun] strange and showing a lot of imagination  weird

 fantastic dreams of forests and jungles

4 impossible to put into practice

 a fantastic scheme/ project

 fan•tas•tic•al•ly / BrE fænˈtæstɪkli  NAmE fænˈtæstɪkli / adv.

 fantastically successful

 a fantastically shaped piece of stone


vivid adj.

BrE / ˈvɪvɪd /

NAmE / ˈvɪvɪd /


1 (of memories, a description, etc.) producing very clear pictures in your mind  graphic

 vivid memories

 He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot.  

2 (of light, colours, etc.) very bright

 vivid blue eyes

 the vivid colours and patterns of her designs

3 (of sb's imagination) able to form pictures of ideas, situations, etc. easily in the mind

 viv•id•ly / BrE ˈvɪvɪdli  NAmE ˈvɪvɪdli / adv.

 I vividly remember the day we first met.  

viv•id•ness / BrE ˈvɪvɪdnəs  NAmE ˈvɪvɪdnəs / noun [U]

 the vividness of my dream


out•land•ish adj.

BrE / aʊtˈlændɪʃ /

NAmE / aʊtˈlændɪʃ /


(usually disapproving)

strange or extremely unusual


 outlandish costumes/ ideas

 As the show progressed, it got ever more outlandish.

 out•land•ish•ly / BrE aʊtˈlændɪʃli  NAmE aʊtˈlændɪʃli / adv.

 outlandishly dressed



  • apart•ment noun

BrE / əˈpɑːtmənt /

NAmE / əˈpɑːrtmənt /


1 (especially NAmE) a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building


  • fea•ture noun 

BrE / ˈfiːtʃə(r) /

NAmE / ˈfiːtʃər /



1 something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing

 An interesting feature of the city is the old market.  

 Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.  

 Which features do you look for when choosing a car?  

 The software has no particular distinguishing features.  

 geographical features

 see also water feature

2 [usually pl.] a part of sb's face such as their nose, mouth and eyes

 his strong handsome features

 Her eyes are her most striking feature.  

3 ~ (on sb/ sth) (in newspapers, on television, etc.) a special article or programme about sb/ sth

 a special feature on education

4 (old-fashioned) the main film/ movie in a cinema programme



  • to explain an unexplainable event   the adj before the noun + clumsy repetition
  • strongness: strength
  • for the others
  • To conclude, Sherlock Holmes, Alice and Robinson Crusoe are perfect examples of what  Britishness is   (ordre des mots fais attention : ce n’est pas une question, donc affirmative: sujet + verbe)
  • be characteristic    NO “S”  it is an adjective here



Today we are going to talk about the notion of Myths and heroes.  

Myths are stories composed of fantastical elements mixed with real facts to explain an unnatural event. Heroes are characters with several qualities such as bravery, strongness and who don’t hesitate to risk their life for the others


In class we studied the notion Myths and Heroes, and we are dealing with the theme Britishness. Myths are stories composed of fantastic elements mixed with real facts to explain an event unexplainable. Heroes are characters with several qualities such as bravery, strength and who don’t hesitate to risk their lives for others.

Regarding this notion I have chosen to deal with British heroes in fiction. We may wonder what they tell us about Britishness.

First, we will focus on this idea of “Britishness” and we will try to explain what it means to be British through an article entitled “We, the British” that was published in the Daily Telegraph in 2005.

 Then, we will move on to the real thing with iconic fictional heroes to get an insight into Britishness with an illustration of Robinson Crusoe and Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes with an extract of the House of silk written in 2011.




So, what is Britisness? If we are to believe this article published in the Telegraph not so long ago, historically, the British once conquered one quarter of the world. Conquest is closely linked to bravery, because we need to be brave if we leave our country of origin. It also shows stamina, determination and ambition. Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe in 1719 is a novel about a shipwrecked man who survived on a desert island firstly alone then with an autochthon. In my point of view, Robinson Crusoe embodies bravery because, even if he began to become insane, he survived on a land that he didn’t know, so he had to face several impediments. He managed to survive and prosper in spite of all, which is remarkable and illustrative of the British spirit in a way. They live in a relatively small island which was regularly invaded and plundered and it certainly participated in the bravery and strength they had to build up to resist and even become the invaders in their turn.


In the illustration, Alice in Wonderland is the focus of the picture; and indeed she was born a few decades later than Robison Crusoe, the first modern hero. In a way he heralded this new kind of hero, as we are dealing with ordinary simple beings here and no longer with gods, demigods or characters endowed with extraordinary abilities in fiction. It is a novel written by Lewis Carroll in 1865 and it is about a girl who fell in a hole and entered in a fantasy world. This world is made of course of fantastical elements such as monsters, giant trees, a talking rabbit and a few other amazing characters.   However, the most outstanding character is the Mad Hatter. In a way, this entire world and the Mad hatter embody well the highly fancy and imaginative essence of the British mind. We may think that it shows them as a people who like outlandish things.

This work is very original and remains a classic that has never lost its vividness. To think that it was written in the late 19th century!


            Finally, British people are apart from everybody else as they live on an island.

That’s probably why they developed their own way of life and are so attached to their own values that may seem as a closure towards the rest of the world in a way. Today, the Brexit is the apex of this insular spirit and show a will of independence.

Sherlock Holmes, the main character of the eponym novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, may illustrate this spirit born from their insularity. Indeed, he is unsociable so he stays cloistered in his flat, but he is also very intelligent and has developed extraordinary skills in investigation, as we are to see them at work in an extract of the House of silk: he is able to understand things as no one else can just by keen observation of his fellow companions. Holmes may be seen as an insular mind because he remains aloof and distant and the fact that he lives in his flat in such isolation may be interpreted as the metaphor of a man living on an island.


            To conclude, Sherlock Holmes, Alice and Robinson Crusoe are perfect examples of what  Britishness is. Actually, their qualities are part of what is expected from a hero, but these features are characteristic of Britishness. These qualities are also overemphasized with the aim of not being forgotten, and so in order to enlighten Britishness.



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