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activité de suivi pour mes élèves: outils, conseils, recaps, quelques blagues...

Emilie's comment

The document is a picture of the serial "Priyanka Chopra as Alexandra Parrish" difuse on the Chanel ABC studios in 2015. The picture shows 2 women working at the FBI. The first women looks determined. They wear the following outfit of officer at the FBI. #detectivesxomen #fiction #workingwomen #genderequality


The illustration is a picture of the serial "Priyanka Chopra as Alexandra Parrish" . It was broadcast by ABC studios in 2015. In this still,  we can see  two women working for the FBI. The woman in the foreground looks determined. They are both wearing the FBI outfit.





The representation of women detectives helps to improve the representation of women and to fight against stereotypes. Fiction shows that women can do the same thing as men, but there is little representation of this. They are women with a strong character.


The representation of women detectives in the role of efficient women detectives helps to improve the representation of women in people's minds and thus helps fight against stereotypes. Fiction shows that women can do the same things as men. There used to be little representation of this. Now, they are more and more strong women with powerful jobs and responsibilities, especially in detective stories.

                       HASHTAGS    what sort of issues can they be related to? 

#socialchanges => Has any social progress been achieved for women?

#genderequality => Do women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities in English-speaking detective fiction?

#womensemancipation => How have the role and image of women evolved in English-speaking detective fiction?

#workingwomen  => Are women detectives treated the same as men at work? Do they have to fight harder to earn their place?

Word bank

achieve : réaliser

earn their place: gagner leur place


Laurine's comment:

The illustration is a picture of Priyanka Chopra as Alexandra Parrish in the Quantico series. It was taken by ABC studios in 2015. We can see on the picture a focus of Priyanka who is surely in a street with crowds around. We can imagine that this woman is walking because her hair is blowing in the wind. Besides, she is part of the FBI we see thanks to her jacket and her cap.  We have the impression that she is in intervention because she looks determined and looks like she’s gonna run to danger and action with courage.


The illustration is a picture of Priyanka Chopra as Alexandra Parrish in the Quantico series. The series was produced and broadcast by ABC studios in 2015.  The picture focuses on Priyanka who is walking on a busy street: she seems to be moving at a fast/brisk pace in the middle of a crowd of people as the movement of her hair seems to indicate. Owing to her clothing, we can see that she is a FBI agent.

We get the impression that she is on the middle of an intervention because she looks determined and she looks as if she were going to face some danger and act with courage or so do we expect her to.

# detective # womeninaction # FBIinforce # investigation # committed # femaleambition # newinterestingprofession # involved # bravewoman

Before, in fiction movies in general, women are represented as less powerful as men. They seem less intelligent and it is often her that men have to save. But in recent years the roles have changed in some movies like Quantico. We can see in this movie the woman is the main character and she looks courageous and independent. We found increasingly that the woman who is not afraid in the face of danger and she takes more risk.


 In fiction, women used to be represented as less powerful than men. They seemed less intelligent and they had the role of the victims that men had to save. 

But in recent years the roles have changed and in some movies such as Quantico, we can see a woman as the main character and she is portrayed as courageous and independent. As the story unfolds, we realise that the woman is not afraid in the face of danger and that she takes some risks.  


Well done Emilie and Laurine!


What about the comment on the axis?       Private space and public space
Could you please try to define this new notion/axis to which the topic belongs? 
What about the comment on the question (probématique à laquelle l'études des divers documents répondra en partie) ? 


Could you please try to answer according to your own ideas on the subject  as well as your personal culture on the issue?

AXELLE's comment


Travail sur l'heure de groupe
The first picture is a picture form the famous american tv show “quantico”. This is the main caracter Priyanka Chopra who plays Alexandra Parrish. She has a hat in which there is written FBI. The show was produced by ABC Studios in 2015.
CORRECTION linguistique
The picture is taken from the famous American TV show “Quantico”. It features Priyanka Chopra as the main character called Alexandra Parrish. She is wearing a cap in where it reads " FBI". The show was produced by ABC Studios in 2015.
PAS DEMANDÉ : (c'est un autre thème/unité)
???????The second picture is in black and white, it’s from the movie “Gone with the Wind” which was produced in 1939.

1/ Il vous faut répondre à a problématique sur cette double page d'introduction, vous avez une question posée, et je vous demande d'interroger votre culture personnelle pour tâcher d'y apporter une première réponse. l'unité viendra confirmer, infirmer, enrichir ce 1er point de vue et vous aidera à  y répondre.

2/ Je vous demande d'essayer de DÉFINIR /trouver une définition pour expliquer l'axe abordé qui titre "private spce and ublic space"
=> À quoi fait-on référence quand on évoque ces espaces?
 Ce travail  est superficiel: il manque des éléments, le lexique est basique, vous n'avez pas su reprendre un lexique appris au cours de la 1e séquence et vous n'avez pas mis en application tout ce qui a été appris au cours de la 1ère séquence par rapport à l'analyse d'une image non plus  ( présentation/ description / analyse)
Travail fort décevant et incomplet : 2 questions manquent : axe et question

CORRECTION  finale  SUR PRONOTE le jeudi 5/1


LUNDI 9/11 (travail de groupe) 

  •  OPTIONNEL Corriger C/ A masculine atomsphere (correction sur le blog) si vous vouez vous avancer sur le cours de mardi 10

pour aujourd'hui, le 9/11:

  • Tâche intermédiaire "Prepare your project" p 41
Avant de  faire la Tâche intermédiaire "Prepare your project" p 41 étudiez le document D/ (vous pouvez vous aider des question pour mieux l'analyse mais pas de travaux à rendre sur ce doc) 
ou bien
inspirez-vous d'une autre 4e de couverture d'un autre thriller avec une détective comme héroïne.
Cela fait, vous pouvez vous entraîner et procéder à l'entraînement suivant:
Imagine a modern detective novel where
the main character is a woman.
Write a short paragraph for the back cover.
POUR VOUS AIDER au niveau linguistique, consulter pour apprendre ou réviserAvant de vous lancer!
Grammar Tip Précis p. 239
Use the simple present to write about the detective and the story
Proposition de correction avec le travail corrigé de Tom

The spicy investigation

évitez les calques avec le français;  trop d'erreurs basiques, il vous faut appliquer les corrections (grammaire/lexique)

Pour l'histoire, le témoin est en danger, ou peut-être pas. bon. Pas trop de suspense. Mais surtout, vous n'avez pas pris le soin détudier votre doc D/

il s'agit de faire une 4e de couverture (il manque un mot sur l'auteur et une deux critiques de grands magazines ou journaux)


IL VOUS FAUT MIEUX COMPRENDRE LA CONSIGNE  (vous aviez fait la même bourde sur votre CE)

Essayez de travailler méthodiquement: faites de fiches selon mes conseils

consultez-les avant tout travail /test

seul moyen d'avancer

SPICY:  ADJECTIF  (épicé) ce qui passe en titre (humour?) ne prend pas pour le commerce des épices mais bien essayé!

On April 2012, Miss Sivir, a young student going onIN  her 20 years old, lives IN a little street in Egypt THAT IS  reputed/ WELL-KNOWN  for theITS spicE trade we can see there. Several traders HAVE complainED about theA SERIES OF  burglarIES they HAVE BEEN undergoING / EXPERIENCING for a few days… BesideS, Miss Sivir , when she comebacks from the university to home,affirms/CLAIMS that she haS seen three mEN with iconic English hats lurking around some spicE SHOPS ON HER WAY HOME. After informing the local police, Miss Sivir feels badUNEASY when she goes back home… Someone IS followING her, it’s a FACT. Is thIS real ity?as Miss Sivir suspected?Might it no




Antoinette Conway
(The Secret Place and The Trespasser by Tana French)
A Dublin murder squad detective with a massive working-class chip on her shoulder, Antoinette is cynical, blunt, perceptive, and tenacious – and nobody likes her. At least not most of her colleagues, and because of the exact same qualities that make her good at her job. Constantly at odds with her squadmates and assuming they’re all waiting for her to fail, Antoinette’s obsession with proving them wrong verges on paranoia at times. But she’s also, usually, right – something all women can relate to.

TRAVAIL à RÉALISER AUJOURD'HUI Travail sur l'heure classe entière mardi 3 novembre:
Directives de courspour mardi 2 novembre (election Day in the US!!)  
=>  AXE 2  PRIVATE SPACE PUBLIC SPACE Livre p 40 document A/  
questions n° 1/2/3/4/  
Aide à la compréhension de consignes:
-les questions 1et 2 doivent traiter les 4 documents.
- il faut bien décrire chaque document et en  tirer des conclusions / des idées quant à ce que l'image communique comme sens.
- S'aider d'internet pour des réponse toute faites à proscrire pour des raisons trop évidentes comme est évidente la provenance de  la production  présentée comme personnelle.
- La question 4 exige une présentation complète du document que vous avez choisi.
- Pour chaque document, il faut reprendre le lexique et la technique apprise / revue précédemment sur la séquence précédente. 
= On ne repart pas les compteurs à zéro à chaque séquence... On doit réactiver le lexique et mettre en application les connaissances méthodologiques découverts e-ou revus, utiliser des références culturelles acquises ou personnelles.
Remerciements aux premières élèves qui ont envoyé leur travail, ce qui a permis de rappeler tous ces principes et ces décryptages de consigne.
Courage et perséverance


Propositions de réponses d'élèves
1) In the foreground is a woman walking backwards in the street. Her hair is in the wind, she turns towards the camera, her hands are in her pockets, her hair is long and black, she is wearing a black vest. She looks observant and determined, looks serious and does not smile.

2) The film poster b and c look more alert unlike the one in the image was d so
A —> 2012
B —> 1930
C —> 1967
D —> 1990

3) This is the story of a detective who travels to New York City to solve a crime case, the murder of a famous actor. During her investigation she encounters many obstacles and her adventures will gradually allow her to get her hands on the murderer.

4) The film looks modern because the image is clear and the woman looks real, it is a photo with a lot of detail. In the background we see business buildings that look modern.
Correction personnalisée sur le travail réalisé:
1/ Problème de compréhension de consignes : les questions 1et 2 doivent traiter les 4 documents.
2/  il faut détailler davantage et en tirer des conclusions quand vous rendez compte d'un document icono.
3/ La question 3/ : votre réponse  vient d'internet. Dommage.  "imagine"  qu'est-ce qui n'est pas clair das ce terme?
4/ vous n'avez pas répondu correctement à la question 4
Je vous suggère de reprendre ce travail à la lumière de ces remarques afin de remédier à vos difficultés. Bon courage...
Correction personnalisée sur le travail réalisé:

1. In the illustrationS A and B the women detectiveS ARE wearING   dressES. IN D/ the womAn SEEMS TO BE  wearing a costume  suit. TheY ARE ALL looking FOR everythingsomething PARTICULAR EXCEPT FOR THE WOMAN IN THE FIRST PICTURE A  . They are all representedSTANDING in the middleFOREGROUND of the picture. APART FROM MRS MARPLE (PICTURE B) who stands on the right side and in the dark probably to show that her role as a woman detective in a society where only men were given this occupation is not clearly recognised.


a costume:

 >the clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a particular historical 


>the clothes worn by actors in a play or film/ movie, or worn by sb to make them 

look likesth else

> (BrE, informal) = swimming costume



2."The murder at the Vicarage" WASpublished in 1930because AT THAT TIME, OLD women USED TO WEAR THIS  KIND OF dress.

The document C  WAS published in 1967 because AT THAT TIME, women IN THEIR THIRTIES  USED TO WEAR colorFUL clothes and HAVE a very DISTINCTIVE HAIRcut. 


🔑WASpublished in 1930     veillez à utiliser le prétérit car il y a une date passée


"Blue steel" WASpublished in 1990 because the decor is old. 




decor = the style in which the inside of a building is decorated


3. "The murder at the Vicarage" is a story THAT takES place in England in the 1930s. It's THE story of an old lady who WITNESSES an atrocious act FROM HER WINDOW. She hasfound the body of a young womAn and decideD to INVESTIGATE AND find the suspect THE KILLER in her small village. 


4. Colonel Prothereo, retired to St Mary Mead where he resides with his young wife. But no one in the village appreciated it. He was found dead with a bullet in his head in the pastor's office. The police begin to investigate, but a young womAn from the village, Miss Marple decides to do her own research.    PAS VOTRE TRAVAIL


CORRECTION  finale  SUR PRONOTE le jeudi 5/1




1.Identify elements about the place, the time and the atmosphere of this cop show.



2.Who is Jane Tennison? Complete these words with their unstressed syllables.

char………       youn………       vers………       inexp………       pow………

Using these words, write a description of Jane.

3.In the car, D.I. Bradfield tells Jane “shouldn’t apologise”. Does that mean:   

a. he is advising her.                                                                                          b. he is criticising Jane.

c. he says she did something wrong.                                          d. he is complimenting Jane.

Find a word that shows he is optimistic and believes in her.→……………………………..

4.Rearrange the jumbled words to describe the situation of Jane when she enters the room to join her colleagues.

WORLD  -   ’S    -     WOMAN   -    A    -    MEN   -    IN   -   A


5.Listen to the way her male colleague at the front desk talks to Jane.

Indicate what these men’s perception of Jane is.

6.In the following scene, pay attention to two jobs Jane does.

-With a pencil: ……………………………………………………………………

-In the kitchen: ……………………………………………………………………

Use these two jobs to define the contrast in her career.



7.RECAPUse the words that you have rearranged (4) to portray a female detective’s career in the 1970s.










C/ correction fiche A Masculine Atmosphere


1.Identify elements about the place, the time and the atmosphere of this cop show.

This cop show take place in the 1970s in England. You can feel that the atmosphere is tense.

2.Who is Jane Tennison? Complete these words with their unstressed syllables.

character      younger    version     inexperienced     power    (on dit plus fort ce qui est écrit en noir, entraînez-vous à voix haute)

Using these words, write a description of Jane.

3.In the car, D.I. Bradfield tells Jane “shouldn’t apologise”. Does that mean:   

a. he is advising her.                                                                                          b. he is criticising Jane.

c. he says she did something wrong.                                          d. he is complimenting Jane.

Find a word that shows he is optimistic and believes in her.


4.Rearrange the jumbled words to describe the situation of Jane when she enters the room to join her colleagues.

She is a woman in a man’s world.

5.Listen to the way her male colleague at the front desk talks to Jane.

Indicate what these men’s perception of Jane is.

6.In the following scene, pay attention to two jobs Jane does.

-With a pencil:She seems to be drawing.

-In the kitchen: She is doing the dishes.

Use these two jobs to define the contrast in her career.

She is a cop, she is supposed to be investigating but in the office, she is not seen as investigating.

7.RECAPUse the words that you have rearranged (4) to portray a female detective’s career in the 1970s.

Being a female detective in the 1970s was very hard. Indeed, it was a man’s world. As a woman, you had to prove yourself because some of your male colleagues wouldn’t have thought that you were up tothe task.


take place: avoir lieu

character: personnage

tense: tendu

inexperienced = inexpérimenté

seems to + BV : avoir l'air de

do the dishes : faire la vaisselle

a man’s world : un monde d'homme



a cop: un fic

were up to => be up to : être à la hauteur (de)

jumbled words: mots dans le désordre /mélangés


Hello Noémie,


Oui, c'est un bon début, vous vous rapprochez  des attendus. On voit que vous avez fait cela avec sérieux (exposition des indices de base).


Cependant, il manque une exploitation plus approfondie des indices qui sont mis à votre disposition : vous restez trop sur l'explicite et donc c'est encore trop une analyse "de surface"... superficielle.


Ce que vous savez bien souvent analyser à l'oral, il faut savoir le faire à l'écrit aussi mais en poussant le curseur davantage : vous avez un temps de réflexion, vous n'êtes pas dans l'immédiateté de l'oral où vous excellez.

Il faut prendre le temps de faire des liens entre les indices en questionnant les éléments mis à votre disposition tels que:


poste de pouvoir

une femme

🔑la femme à un tel poste=> exposition des difficultés qu'elle -et par extension les autres premières femmes à des postes de pouvoir(cela peut nous faire penser à la nouvelle VP aux USA qui va se cogner aussi à des murs sur un autre registre)

🔑un criminel vicieux et cruel, fou? "depraved heart"

 des crimes terribles (le criminel est "depraved" et  l'image suggère qu'il enferme et torture ses victime (clé/plusieurs fils de fer/ sang)

Il y a également aussi un double sens par rapport à la clé => clé de l'énigme est dans l'analyse psychologique du criminel et clé vers l'endroit  où il enferme et torture sa/ses victime.s.


... oui il y a tout cela et ce serait parfait si vous pouviez proposer quelques idées dans cette direction sans toutes les trouver mais déjà travailler sur le sens implicite entre certains mots comme Newcomer" et first" et certains éléments de l'image. C'est cela "faire des liens".



This THE documentis an extract from a book calledDepraved Heartwritten by Patricia Cornwell in 2015. JudgeING by (ou FROM) the book cover on the right, we can understand that it’s a thriller, because of the blood, that it’s going to be about a murder : EITHER A MURDER OR A SERIES OF MURDERS BECAUSE OF ALL THE IRON WIRES ON THE SINGLE KEY. IT ALSO HINTS ATMADNESS AS THE WORD "DEPRAVED" POINTS TOA VICIOUS AND WICKED PERSON. INDEED, WE MAY REASONABLY INFER THAT THE HEART IN QUESTION REFERS TOTHE SOUL OF THE KILLER.

The book deals with THE STORY OF THE  first woman to be APPOINTED AS  the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia, she is a "newcomer". The author is going to / represent a woman detective in fiction/ OFFER A PERSPECTIVE ON THE FIGHT THE FIRST WOMEN DETECTIVES HAD TO GIVE TO PROVE THEMSELVES AT THE LEVEL OF AUTHORITY TO GAIN RESPECT AND COOPERATION OF THEIR MALE COLLEGUES.


if she fails to solve the case, she's a failure, she's no better.

If she manages to solve the case, her superior will be gratified: case solved! A crafty decision to appoint her.


Soignez le début et la fin de tout travail écrit, évitez les erreurs basiques d'entrée de jeu qui donne une mauvaise impression à votre lecteur/examinateur/auditeur

Par exemple au niveau linguistique:

This THE document  : vous l'abordez, vous le présentez à votre auditoire/lecteur, vous faites "comme si " .  => Vous n'avez  pas parlé de ce document avant ! "THIS" renvoie à un élément déjà évoqué dans le discours.









 Mathis  Doc E p42


 C'est  bien, pertinent: vous avez su repérer des éléments clés:

Auteur très connue de thriller  

Vous avez su rappeler l'objectif de cette étude grâce au 1er titre : la place de la femme dans la fiction, il aurait fallu voir aussi celui dans le sujet de CETTE fiction

Le point de vuequi a une grande importance car effectivement withe first-person narrative, on a le sien, c'est donc une facette de la réalité entre autres choses.

            Avec le travail complet de correction sur la production de Noémie vous avez toutes les clés pour comprendre les attendus et les enjeux d'une anticipation sur le paratexte, le titre, la 1e phrase pour bien comprendre GLOBALEMENT votre document avant d'aborder la lecture et la compréhension détaillée!                                                               



This document is an extract form a thriller Entitled Depraved Heart. It was written by the famous/ WELL-KNOWN    YES   author called Patricia Cornwell in 2015.



GOOD In this text the protagonist/ THE HEROIN  is the first woman as beTO BE APPOINTED AS the chief medical examiner MAJUSCULE SUR CE TITRE of Virginia. This thriller talks about CALQUE FRANÇAIS  IS ABOUT a history about a  the woman in theTHE STATE OF Virginia,  USA AND  who'sSHEIS going to tell us her story BEGINNINGS in her Job in Virginia FROM HER OWN VIEWPOINT. This text is a fiction.


entitled =   en + title + d  pour le participe passé


the place of thewomEn => vous parlez des femmes en général=> pluriel et pas d'article




aboutawoman in theVirginia   / VOUS AVEZ déjà PARLé DE CETTE CETTE FEMME donc REPRISE PAR the



Exercices p 46 n°6 and n°7 :

N°6 :

c. First of all, do women characters in detective novels, films or TV series make them more interesting ? a. In my opinion, there is no doubt that female detectives have improved the quality and the plots of past and modern works of fiction. d. For instance in its latest series adaptation, the female version of Watson helps the main character express his feelings more freely. b. That’s why we can consider women detectives should be more present in fiction.

N°7 :

First of all, nowadays it is not unusual to meet a woman who plays the role of a detective. So I believe changing the main character, Sherlock Holmes, into a woman is a wonderful, innovative and modern idea. This proves that we live in an evolved world with less and less stereotypes and women are as capable as men since they are ingenious, talented and skilled. For instance, in “the murder at vicarage”, the detective is busy with a case in which the priest dies of a mysterious cause. Even if it’s a complexe case, the women detective is exceptionally observant and uses interrogatory techniques that never fails to work wonders. However, Sherlock Holmes is a mythical and legendary character so it is going to be quite complicated to change the mentality by replacing the character as a woman. That’s why many people will not agree to change their character into a woman. To conclude in the next film adaptation, they can make  Sherlock Holmes become a woman to innovate even if it will be is  difficult bacause the male character remains in the memories.

Laurine LACOUR 1gen5

Excellent work! Well done. You have structured your paragraph very well. Just pay attention to the rule that says you can not have a future form or a conditional form after “even if”. Here I have just replaced it with a present simple form: "[...] even if it is difficult [...].

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