5 Septembre 2021
What makes Canada an attractive country?
1.Understand the axis : define the words and put them into perspective.
2.Discover the question and relate to the axis : how does it make sense?
- Canada , a dream country.
- Define the American Dream
3.Answer the question spontaneously :
- Write the pros and cons (use your experience & culture)
- Listen and complete your list (list of pros and cons according to a native)> YouTube
1.Observe and describe a picture www.canada.ca illustrating the topic (Canada, the new USA?) > Bp29
2. Watch a video (TV4Travel) about the country >flash code B p29 or YouTube)
- Write down the key facts
- Draw a mind map
1.Text “Visitors Welcome” B p 29 / blog “englishcool” (lycée de la Mer website ➢actualités pédagogiques)
-Read and understand the importance of tourism in the Canadian economy
- Explain the main ideas: answer 3 questions
-Write a conclusion
2. Video “a life-changing experience”
-Watch the video and list the iconic images that make Canada attractive
-Prepare a voice-over to promote Canada through these images B p 29 (2 parts : nature in Canadians’ hearts and urban development for lovers of cities and their multiculturalism)
1. CO Listen An international student speaks about her experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGg2vXCzgHg
-Write a short summary about the student (in English)
-answer two questions
-Explain why the University of Toronto is perfect for international students.
-Write a conclusion to explain the importance of international students to improve foreign policies
2.Text : « International Students Wanted » B p 30
-Read and understand the importance of college education in the economy and in the immigration policies
Explain the main points by answering 5 questions (4 groups +conclude):
- Give Canada’s plan for its college education
-Explain the economic impact of college education in Canada (use figures)
-Explain the social and cultural impacts international students have on Canada.
- Say how immigration policies have helped develop post-secondary education.
-Conclude by showing how profitable post-secondary education can be for the economy
3.Video « Working holiday Visa » B p 31
Note down the key ideas and organize them in a final mind map
(4 groups + personal reaction)
-Claire’s identity and motivations
-Claire’s project
-Claire’s job
-Claire’s feelings
4.Text: WWOOFing Canada - essential tips from the host
-Describe WWOOFing (definitition, place of work, public targeted and motivations )
-List the benefits of WWOFing
- List advice given to future WWOFers.
- Would you like to go WWOFing? Why (not)?
The Remarkable Economy of Canada
This video was made possible by our Patreon community! ❤️See new videos early, participate in exclusive Q&As, and more!➡️ https://www.patreon.com/EconomicsEx...
In the foreground / in the background / in the distance, in the middle, in the bottom left-hand corner, in the top right-hand corner, on the left side, at the bottom, at the top…
Word bank:
paddle(s) : pagayer (pagaies)
pine trees : sapins
canoe /kəˈnuː/. : canoe
breathtaking : à couper le souffle
amazinn : extraordinaire, incroyable
pristine / ˈprɪstiːn/: pure, cristallin (eau), ...
- Define the two notions and put them into perspective
- Key words ? You have found some of them in class, well done!
▶︎ frontier ▶︎ contacts ▶︎ migrations ▶︎exile / ˈeksaɪl / ▶︎ hospitality ▶︎ culture shock ▶︎mobility ▶︎ trip or journey ▶︎change of scene▶︎
tourism▶︎welcome ▶︎ mediation ▶︎dialogue ▶︎diversity ▶︎ sharing
Let's remember!
Le Japon ?
la Hollande ?
Le Canada ?
Les États Unis d'Amérique ?
La Nouvelle-Zélande ?
L'Afrique ?
La Norvège ?
Le Danemark ?
L'Autriche ?
L'Écosse ?
La Chine ?
Le moyen-Orient ?
The American dream is the ..................... that anyone, regardless of ................ they were born or what ................they were born into, can attain their own version of ....................in a society in which ............................. ............................ is possible for everyone. The American dream is believed to be achieved through ..........................,........................, and .................... ................., rather than by ............................. .
WATCH the VIDEO "Before Class"and write down the key facts.
Draw a mind map.
-Display/put on display = exposer
/show (montrer)
-Curriculum=programme (scolaire)
Assess / evaluate
-Scrap paper/ notebook=brouillon
-Convenient/handy =pratique
-(new) ways = (nouvelles) façons/manières de se comporter
-behave=se comporter
Behavior comportement
: colon
, coma
; semi colon
-Actually, … = en fait, …
-belief = croyance
(blog : word bank)
paddle(s) : pagayer (pagaies)
pine trees : sapins
canoe /kəˈnuː/. : canoe
breathtaking : à couper le souffle
amazing : extraordinaire, incroyable
pristine / ˈprɪstiːn/: pure, cristallin (eau), ...
broaden : élargir
people : un peuple
be aware of : être au conscient de
(Voc fiche)
Through : à travers
Networking : réseau (de connaissance)
Offer : « offrir » dans le sens de « donner la possibilité de »
Valuable : de valeur/qui a de la valeur
Such as : tel que
Inhabitants : habitants
These : ces
Half (of ): la moitié (de)
Be likely to : être susceptible de
Educated : instruit (qui ont une formation universitaire)
Experience : vivre
She experienced the worst time of her life in that prison. The country is experiencing an unprecedented economic boom. |
Elle a vécu le pire moment de sa vie dans cette prison. |
Le pays connaît un boom économique sans précédent. |
According to : selon
A study : une étude
Attractive : attirant
People must be : les gens doivent être (=ils sont sûrement)
In order to: pour/ afin de
Make the most of it: en tirer le maximum/ le meilleur parti
PROS AND CONS according to T EE- ITEC
a variety of new activities to experience
not far from the USA => easier to go there to explore because it is geographically close
English and French => quite comfortable
prices : more expensive/costly
long winter period ( a pro or a con according to your taste and hobbies)
the flight is rather longer and costly
the weather => a lot of snow which means you have to live indoors much of the time.
MOVING TO CANADA: 10 pros and cons 🇨🇦
Here are 10 pros and cons of living in Canada. What do you think of them? Do you agree? Canadian undergraduate tuition fees by program of study:https://www15...
a Canadian gives his point of view on the pros and cons
heritage site : site d'intérêt historique
wilderness : étendue/région/ contrée sauvage
rely on : compter sur
be considered as : êter consiré comme
through : à travers
attract : attirer
be asked to + BV = être prié de ...
communities : collectivités
since : parce que / puisque / dans la mesure où
account for : représenter (aussi : expliquer/justifier)
valued at: évalué à
close to :proche de
revenues : recette (d'étar)
amount to: équivaloir (/ se monter à)
can(not) do without: pouvoir se passer de
make a living: gagner sa vie
count over : compter plus de
home countries: pays d'origine / natal
links :liens
be likely to + BV: avoir des chances de (se réaliser)
know much about sth:en savoir bp sur qqch
among :parmi
beyond: au-delà
rank:se classer
height : hauteur
keep rising: continue d'augmenter
release : faire paraître, publier
be mandated: être mandaté
strengthen : renforcer
brand : étiquette,style, manière
makes the country appreciated and admired will make the various communities proud of
make sd/sth + adj= rendre + adj
indigenous :autochtone
top the charts: come first (être en tête de (des chiffres/graphiques/palmarès/hit-parade etc.)
chart:graphique, diagramme, tableau, schéma
top the chart: figurer à la 1ere place du classement
valued at: évalué à la valeur de
service export: le service des exports
inclusiveness: inclusivité, non exclusion / caractère inclusif = qui intègre
- $102Bn economic activity
- 1.2 m jobs (accounting for 1.2 m jobs)
- 2% of GDP = 1.2 m jobs (Gross Domestic Product)
- $22 bn Canada's largest service export in 2018 (accounting for close to 20% of all export revenue)
- accounting for close to 20% of all export revenues (<=> $22 bn service export)
- which anniversary was celebrated in 2017? 150 anniversary of the confederation
- How many arrivals in 2018 ? Over 21 million arrivals
"We drove 22 miles into the country around Farmington. There were meadows and apple orchards. White fences trailed through the rolling fields. Soon the sign started appearing. THE MOST PHOTOGRAPHED
❤️Tourism Quotes such as "The journey is the destination.” ― Dan Eldon.
14 Reasons Why People Emigrate
Immigration has existed during the whole history of humankind and people have moved from their home places for centuries, for all sorts of reasons. Long ago nomad tribes roamed in search of new ...
heritage site : site d'intérêt historique
wilderness : étendue/région/ contrée sauvage
rely on : compter sur
be considered as : êter consiré comme
through : à travers
attract : attirer
be asked to + BV = être prié de ...
communities : collectivités
since : parce que / puisque / dans la mesure où
account for : représenter (aussi : expliquer/justifier)
valued at: évalué à
close to :proche de
revenues : recette (d'étar)
amount to: équivaloir (/ se monter à)
can(not) do without: pouvoir se passer de
make a living: gagner sa vie
count over : compter plus de
home countries: pays d'origine / natal
links :liens
be likely to + BV: avoir des chances de (se réaliser)
know much about sth:en savoir bp sur qqch
among :parmi
beyond: au-delà
rank:se classer
height : hauteur
keep rising: continue d'augmenter
release : faire paraître, publier
be mandated: être mandaté
strengthen : renforcer
brand : étiquette,style, manière
makes the country appreciated and admired will make the various communities proud of
make sd/sth + adj= rendre + adj
indigenous :autochtone
top the charts: come first (être en tête de (des chiffres/graphiques/palmarès/hit-parade etc.)
chart:graphique, diagramme, tableau, schéma
top the chart: figurer à la 1ere place du classement
valued at: évalué à la valeur de
service export: le service des exports
inclusiveness: inclusivité, non exclusion / caractère inclusif = qui intègre
- $102Bn economic activity
- 1.2 m jobs (accounting for 1.2 m jobs)
- 2% of GDP = 1.2 m jobs (Gross Domestic Product)
- $22 bn Canada's largest service export in 2018 (accounting for close to 20% of all export revenue)
- accounting for close to 20% of all export revenues (<=> $22 bn service export)
- which anniversary was celebrated in 2017? 150 anniversary of the confederation
- How many arrivals in 2018 ? Over 21 million arrivals
WWOOFing Canada - Essential Tips From A Host
Important WWOOFing Canada Guide with Facts plus Insider Tips From A Host You Want To Know If WWOOFing Canada Is On Your List. Don't Be A Tourist, fit in and act like you are part of the team. It ...
'Past Simple & Present Perfect' - Exercise & Worksheet - UsingEnglish.com
Instructions: Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences Instructions: Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences Copyright © UsingEnglish.com Ltd. - All rights reserved This
Also called the possessive case, the genitive case is when we add apostrophe S (’s) to show possession, that something belongs to another or a type of relationship between things.
e.g. Woodward’s house, Your brother’s friend
The meaning of X’s Y is:
= The Y of X
= The Y belonging to X (Y is normally a thing)
= The Y which has some relation with X (Y is often a person)
The Rules:
We normally use the ’s with people, animals though it can also be used with places, organizations and companies (which suggest a group of people).
It is not common to use the ’s with non-living things.
1. Singular nouns
add 's (apostrophe S)
2. Plural nouns ending in –s
only add the apostrophe ' (without the S)
Notice that the pronunciation is the same for certain possessives:
You can usually distinguish whether the speaker is referring to one or two friends by listening to the context of what the speaker says.
3. Plural nouns not ending in –s:
add 's
4. Singular noun ending in –s:
It depends…
a. Most names: add 's (apostrophe S)
b. Classical or religious names: add ' (only the apostrophe)
5. Possessive nouns as part of a phrase
Sometimes more than one word/noun is a possessive. The same rules as above are still valid:
If there are two owners of something, we add 's to the final name:
But, if each person owns a car, then add 's to both names:
Notice how the verb is in plural form.
6. No Noun
If the meaning is clear, we can use the possessive without a noun after it.
Correction des exercices p 32
Exercice 1
A. They welcome many more students than they used to.
B. There are fewer Americans in Canada than I expected. I didn’t
meet any!
C. There is less snow in Vancouver than ten years ago.
D. Our presents were much appreciated.
E. There are fewer and fewer caribou in British Columbia. It is an endangered species!
Exercice 2
A. awesome B. profitable
3. terrific
2. beneficia
C. skilled D. suitable
Exercice 3
1. qualified
4. appropriate
L’élève respecte bien le format de la présentation (Interaction orale ou écrite).
L’élève donne son point de vue et argumente de façon étayée.
L’élève illustre ses propos à l’aide d’exemples précis.
La langue riche lexicalement et syntaxiquement permet les nuances.
La prononciation est correcte et rythmée.
L’élève ne lit pas ses notes et la présentation est fluide.
Immigration figures increased between 2014 and 2015.
Canada has been an attractive place to study for decades.
In 2006, foreign students made up a 4% share of enrolment in the college system.
WWOOFing has become very popular recently.
Obtaining a holiday visa has never been easier.
The introduction of Express Entry has enhanced the com- petitive edge of the selection system.
Canada also plans to improve its global image by offering quality hospitality to its visitors.
Through hospitality Canada intends to expand its global influence
Moreover, the country will attract international students.
These international students will in turn strengthen the links
with foreign countries.
Good foreign relations are important because they make a country grow.
Exercice 5
Mount Logan is Canada’s highest peak.
I plan to visit the Great Bear Lake.
If you intend to go to Canada, you should get informed about entry conditions for students.
Why not try WWOOFing?
Canada’s longest distance from east to west is 5,514 km.
Toronto is the Canadian city with the biggest population: 5,429,524 inhabitants.