4 Novembre 2020
WORKING ABROAD book p 28-29
-TÂCHE FINALE Write a cover letter to apply for an internship in Scotland.
1)Describe it and try to analyse it (explain/interpret) :
This document is a picture called Astronaut Salt Flats, and it was released by Hunter Freeman in 2013.
On the left, we can see a red car and an astronaut is standing next to it, right in the middle of the picture and he is examining a map. This scene takes place on a deserted place, surrounded by mountains.
It suggests that the astronaut is looking for his destination, that he’s lost. It could be for this reason that he is looking at his map, leaving out what is supposed to be his car.
Also, it conveys (1)a strange feeling of loneliness because he is the only one all alone in this vast place that seems uninhabited.
Of course, this feeling is reinforced by the fact that we don’t know who the astronaut is, if it’s a younger or an older person, a girl or a boy, all of this just because he has his helmet down, so no face can be seen. He is anonymous. It could be anyone of us.
He is therefore a human like us, but he remains unknown to us, which gives the impression that he will not manage to include himself in a society which is nevertheless his own, and reinforces the feeling previously stated.
Vous avez compris l'idée mais vous n'êtes pas parvenue à bien l'exprimer dans le dernier paragraphe: il faut expliquer que l'image est une métaphore en fait: l'astronaute représente une personne part à l'étranger et se retrouve alors comme sur une autre planète. Elle a perdu tous ses repères d'où la carte, une nouvelle métaphore pour remplacer les repères qui nous permettent d'évoluer dans une socité humaine : 1/ la langue 2/ les codes de conduite 3/ les lieux 4/ les gens (inconnus) etc.
À vous de jouer pour exprimer cela en anglais !
a word or phrase used to describe sb/sth else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful, for example She has a heart of stone; the use of such words and phrases
> a game of football used as a metaphor for the competitive struggle of life
2)Relate it to your topic (la relier au sujet étudié) and then explain why the artist has chosen this illustration: what is his/her purpose (goal)? What does he/she want to express?
According to me, (on a dit en classe que l'on pouvait utiliser cla à toutes les personnes SAUF ... SOI)
→For me, / In My opinion, / As far as I'm concerned, this is related to the topic (il faut le rappeler ) because the astronaut seems to be in a abroad foreign place, and the topic is about going abroad, (that is, out of our comfort zone). Thereby, both the topic and the picture are about/ deal with abroad strange places
In my opinion, the artist has chosen this illustration in the purpose of making us ask ourselves what he is looking for, why he is lost whereas in spite of the fact that he is on what we supposed to be his native planet.
So, it better represents the topic for us, in order that the students better understand more what is studied here.
The artist wants to express that the astronaut is lonely in this area, with his astronaut’s equipment, that he is surely the only one to wear on this planet. Maybe he has a different culture, or traditions than others inhabitants, but with his map, he tries to find his destination, his place.
3)Now look at the axis “les mondes professionnels, le monde du travail”
->Try to describe these worlds and picture yourself in one of these worlds. (Décris ces mondes et imagine-toi dans un de ces mondes professionnels et décris comment tu vois ta vie alors) :
As far as I'm conerned, there is a slight difference between the professional worlds and the working world.
Indeed, the professional worlds are the different domains of job, different professions, whereas the working world is a thing more general encompassing a domain of job, what we haveto do to get a job, the evolution afterwards and more.
If I had to imagine myself in one of these worlds, I would like to be in the domain that has to do with animals. So, I imagine that I would practise my profession in France. I would make a good living and I'm sure that I would be simply happy because working with animals has been my dream since I was a little girl.I would thus link my passion with making a living, and then it won't be hard to get up in the morning to go to work.
4)Would you like to work abroad? Justify :
Personally, I would like to work abroad for several reasons.
First, I think that I would like to work abroad because it would allow me to become bilingual and learn more about a country’s culture.
Thus, I would be pushed out of my usual comfort zone, far from my daily habits. I would better become aware of the reality around me.
Also, it certainly would make me more independent, more respectful towards others than I already am, etc. I am saying that because, for example, I would become aware of the difference in wealth of people with slums, or other things.
Finally, because it would enable me to have a unique CV due to the acquisition of an amazing and interesting work experience. Therefore, this would enable me to get better career opportunities.
(1)convey, ed, ed, -ing : évoquer, communiquer (message, idée, opinion)
Andrea's work (2GT1)
(doc 1) « why? »
Lou-Ann 2GT1
QUESTION 8/ et 9/ Il vous faut répondre avec vos propres mots (vous pouvez reprendre des mots nouveaux que vous aurez vérifiés avec le dictionnaire en ligne WordReference.com) mais vous devez répondre par vous même comme en question 1/
en examen (bac) dès la 1e vous devrez répondre avec VOS PROPRES MOTS, alors il faut vous entraîner dès maintenant.
rappelez-vous : pour (faire qq ch)= IN ORDER`
prévoyez un encart à la fin pour les réponses afin que votre camarade puisse véifier (je publie sur blog)
1 - Anticipation : remue-méninges/ brainstorming :
=> imagine 5 reasons why you it would be interesting for you to work abroad as a student or a professional when you are older (note down your ideas)
2/ Étude de document => "Food for Thought"p 30:
Read the document (there are several paragraphs) and compareyour answers to the 5 most common reasons why people decide to go and work abroad
3/ Read carefully, if you cannot understand some words, look them up in the dictionary on line (wordreference.com) or ask your classmates.
4/ After reading, memorise as much as you can
5/ Write the paragraphs but with a few key words that will be missing: instead, leave a blank.
6/ Exchange your texts with the missing words and try to complete the blanks (or work on your own texts with the missing words)
7/ Note down the main ideas and choose the quoteyou prefer and learn it.
8/ p 31 Read and answer these question « Who goes abroad? Where? « Why do people go abroad? »
9/ p 31 Read the second document below (at the bottom) and answer this final question:
« How do people feel when they go abroad? »
Working abroad
pour (faire qq ch)= IN ORDER |
-forTOlearn another language
-forTO find a new job
- TOdiscover another culture
Better career opportunities: The ………..g benefits of working abroad and the increased skills you develop will make you stand out from the ….. of other job-seekers International experience will make your CV look ……...
acquire work experience: The different way of working in other countries will give you very different …... and work ……….. than doing a similar job in your home country. These will be …….. ……….. your future career.
Live in a different culture:A new culture, a new language, a new food! Working abroad will allow you to walk in somebody else's shoes and open your eyes ona new location and, not …... to a new way of life.
Achieve a better standard of living:You may find that your salary goes ………. when working in a …….r location. Many overseas workers come back home with great experiences and more cash in the bank!
8) Over 50% of workers in developed countries are interested in Working abroad. For British and French workers, it is over 60% . Younger people and those with a higher level of education are the most interestedIN workING abroad because they are most likely to make the move. Places most desired are large, international cities.
9) When they go abroad, the people feel honeymoonvery pleased and delighted with everything and they don’t feel frustration. then, they start to feel uncomfortable and in the end, they are miserable and afterwards it gets better once they have adjusted.
(doc 2) Who? and Where?
How ? (doc 3)
(Lou-Ann's work 2GT 1)
8) Over 50% of workers in developed countries are interested in Working abroad. For British and French workers, it is over 60% . Younger people and those with a higher level of education are the most interestedIN workING abroad because they are most likely to make the move. Places most desired are large, international cities.
9) When they go abroad, the people feel honeymoonvery pleased and delighted with everything and they don’t feel frustration. then, they start to feel uncomfortable and in the end, they are miserable and afterwards it gets better once they have adjusted.
I'm very proud of you
1) First,look at the picture above. Describe it Imagine the skills needed to be a staff member for the Fringe Festival :
1/ Réactivation :
➤What can you tell me about Scotland?
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh,hisITSflag is blue and white.
There is a large culture, with skirlS or traditional food such as the haggis and the cock-a-leekie soup. Scotland is also famous for the legend of the monster of The Loch Ness. YES
2/ Tell me about the points you had difficulty to deal with(= traiter): when you studied the documents on your own(= tout seul) Do you have any questions?
I just struggleD with understanding the text about Scotland, and I don't have questions. OK, good to know. It is normal, this is "literature", and it's important to see what it is like in English too :)
3/ Let's focus on the adjectives in English: what do you know about them?
Give some new adjectives you have learnt in this Unit about Scotland
In English, the adjectives are placed before the noun YES
In the unit about Scotland, we have learnt some news (what is the problem here Lou-Ann?)adjectives as for exAmple : «early », « abustle », « eerie », ineffable », and « rewarding ». YES
FICHE GRAMMAIRE: Contrary to French, adjectives never vary in English: they are UNVARYING (invariable) how will you say : "de nouveaux adjectifs" ? => some .........adjectives ?? les adjectifs de nationalité prennent une "upper case" / "capital letter" how will you say : d'origine écossaise ? from .........origin
Single Malt=> malt = orge + single : unique, seul, pur
Le malt1 est une céréale germée, le plus souvent de l'orge – bien que le froment, le blé, le seigle ou encore le sorgho2 s'y prêtent également –, qui est cuite afin de dégager tous ses arômes. Le malt est utilisé pour la fabrication de boissons alcoolisées telles que le whisky, le genièvre et surtout la bière.
Le Single Malt Whisky ou Single Malt Whiskey (on trouve les deux orthographes selon le pays de production) est un whisky issu d'une unique (single) distillerie. Il est distillé exclusivement à partir de la fermentation d'orge maltée, par distillation discontinue simple.1
Le plus connu est le Scotch Whisky Single Malt, obtenu à partir d'orge maltée et issu d'une même distillerie, distillé au minimum deux fois dans des alambics de cuivre, titrant un minimum de 40% d'alcool par volume, vieilli obligatoirement en fût (généralement de chêne) pendant un minimum de trois ans et exclusivement en Écosse d'où son appellation de Scotch.
Un blended malt est un whisky qui se compose d’un mélange de plusieurs single malts. Ce mélange peut se faire à base de single malts différents issus d’une seule ou de plusieurs distilleries.