5 Septembre 2021
Language experience and need
and take notes based on their answers.
Visits to other countries? |
Favourite language teacher at school? Why? |
Favourite activity in language classes? Why? |
Favourite activities in language classes? Why? |
Least favourite language teacher at school? Why? |
Least favourite activity in language classes? Why? |
Aspects |
Reasons and examples |
Reading |
Writing |
Listening |
Speaking |
Grammar |
Vocabulary |
Motivations |
Reasons and examples |
Studies |
Professional |
Personal |
A/ Ask question and note some key information
B/ Write a summary to present the experience and the expectations of your classmate
Language experience and need
and take notes based on their answers.
Visits to other countries? |
Have you ever visited any other countries?↗ Have you ever been abroad? ↗ |
Favourite language teacher at school? Why? |
Who was your favourite teacher at school? ↘ Can you explain the reasons why you enjoyed his/her classes? ↗ |
Favourite activity in language classes? Why? |
Which activity do you prefer in language class? ↘ Which is your favourite activity on language class? ↘ |
Favourite activities in language classes? Why? |
Which activities do you enjoy next? ↘ |
Least favourite language teacher at school? Why? |
Who was your least favourite language teacher and why ? ↘ Which language teacher did you like the least? ↘ |
Least favourite activity in language classes? Why? |
What is your least favorite activity in language class? ↘ |
Could you classify the following aspects of language learning according to their order of importance for you?↗
Which one comes first? Which one is the most important in your opinion? ↘
Whichone comes in second place?↘️
Aspects |
Reasons and examples |
Reading |
Does“reading” come first for you? ↗ |
Writing |
Does“writing” come second for you? ↗ |
Listening |
Speaking |
Grammar |
Vocabulary |
Why do you want to study English ?
↘ Why is learning English is important to you? ↘
Motivations |
Reasons and examples |
Studies |
Do you have to study English because it is part of your graduate program/curriculum?↗ Do you have to study English because it is compulsory in your higher education too? ↗ |
Professional |
Is it because you will need it in your future job? ↗ |
Personal |
Is it also because it is a language you particularly like? ↗ What are your personal reasons for learning English? ↘ |
Compulsory = obligatoire
Summary / Résumé:
- Remember to give a title to the summary.
- For your oral presentation, start with an introductory sentence (introductory: d'introduction) : I am going to talk about "..."'s experience and need regarding his/ her English class" for example.
- Organise your notes. You do not have to follow the order of the questions: your goal is to give your reader a clear idea of your classmate's feelings and expectations.
🎓IMPROVE YOUR PRONUNCIATION, check you remember what you have studied 🎓
🎓 How do you say… ? / What’s the English for …?🎓
-précédent = …………………………………. le pire : ……………………………..
- le moins : ……………………………………. le plus : ………………………………..
-le meilleur : ……………………………………
out of order : …………………………………….
-les deux : …………………………….. point d’interrogation : ………………………….
- au-dessus/ ci-dessus : ………………………………….
Au-dessous/ ci-dessous : ……………………………………..
A four-letter word to express quantity (du/de la/des) ; the sentence is affirmative : …………………..
A three-letter word to express quantity (du/de la/des) ; the sentence is negative or interrogative: …………..
🎓Which is which? I am lost with this, can you help me? 🧐
Une sorcière : ……………………………………..
lequel : …………………………….
souhaiter : ………………………………
Les pronoms interrogatifs en anglais | coLanguage
1. Qu'est-ce que les pronoms interrogatifs ?: On utilise les pronoms interrogatifs pour obtenir de l'information. Le choix du bon pronom dépend de l'information que l'on souhaite obtenir. Les ...
Clubs and Activities | The British School of Brussels
BSB offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Watch this video to see what is available at our school: sport, music, dance and more!
-Display / put on display = exposer
-Curriculum / resume=CV
-Curriculum = programme
-Assessment / évaluation = évaluation (Noun)
Assess / evaluate / test / control (Verb)
-Scrap paper / scrap book = brouillon
-Convenient / handy = pratique
Bulletin d'info (monde) de la BBC d'une minute pour s'entraîner en CO
Supporting Scottish businesses to achieve their goals | Scottish Enterprise
Representatives from three successful Scottish businesses chat about the support they've received from Scottish Enterprise. Find out what business support is...
Entraînement compréhension orale (sur l'Écosse)
Course 1 p 29
Axis : Les univers professionnels, le monde du travail
Question : How can working abroad be a positive experience?
La seconde est une année charnière où la réflexion sur l’avenir professionnel doit venir confirmer ou interroger l’orientation envisagée.
C’est encore le moment d’imaginer des métiers possibles dans un monde en pleine évolution.
Comment choisit-on un métier ? Quelles sont les professions qui font rêver et comment se traduisent ces rêves ?
Quelles sont les critères qui président au choix d’un métier ?
D’un pays à l’autre, d’une culture à l’autre, les professions diffèrent parfois, comme la perception du monde professionnel, de la notion du travail ou les conditions d’emploi.
Le travail est un lieu de socialisation
Changer de travail suppose la prise de décision, cela implique parfois de partir à l’étranger.
Les migrations sont souvent liées au travail et constituent une source d’inspiration pour la littérature et le cinéma principalement, mais pas de manière exclusive.
1. Picture : why is it humorous?
2. Think twice : find 5 advantages regarding a working experience in a foreign country + Find five drawbacks (pros and cons)
1/ Global comprehension (use the source, the title , the caption / la légende the illustration to present the document as clearly and concisely as possible (aussi clairement et de façon aussi concise que possible)
B/ Detailed comprehension => WORKSHEET :
Notes from a Small Island B p 33 Questions to help you with the detailed comprehension of the document.
After presenting the document, read the text carefully and answer the following questions
1. First sentence: "____________________________________________________________________________________"
Tense & conjugation (le temps et la conjugaison) :
The _____________________➢___________________________________________________________
C’est le temps du récit. Avec ce temps, on signale que l’action est passée et datée.
2. Which parts of Edinburgh does the author choose to describe?
He uses a lot of adjectives to describe them. Note down ALL the adjectives + the nouns.
You can see that the adjectives are placed before the noun while in French the adjective is usually placed after the noun (we do not say “un bleu ciel” in French, do we?
But we say “a blue sky in English”.
3. Where are the castle and the Bank of Scotland located?
Where are the Balmoral Hotel and the Scott Memorial located?
Look at the illustration in your book to visualize the city with its different altitudes.
It is all but flat, isn’t it? Say how it looks in your own words:
4. An adjective is repeated 5 times. Which one? “____________________”
What does it say about the author’s feelings regarding his first impressions of Edinburgh?
5. In the text, find ….
an adjective meaning “mysterious” or “creepy”: ___________________
an adjective meaning “enchanting”: _______________________
an adjective meaning “very busy and in a hurry” : “_____________________”
an adjective meaning “cold, invigorating”: “________________________”
6. Now, use your findings above to answer question B/ and C/ of your book p 32 as best as you can. Here are the questions:
B/ Make a list of things Bill Bryson discover in Edinburgh
C/ In your own words, describe Bryson’s experience and feelings.
Findings: trouvailles.
Following : suivant(es).
Sentence : phrase
carefully: an faisant bien attention
while: alors que
usually: habituellement
flat : plat
meaning: qui signifie / singnifiant
Which one ? : lequel?
Si vous êtes en difficulté sur d’autres mots de cette fiche de travail (= worksheet), vous pouvez utiliser le dictionnaire en ligne WORDREFERENCE
Scotland's Place in Europe - people, jobs and investment
Scotland's Place in Europe - people, jobs and investment. Speech followed by Q&A given by Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Monday 15th of January 2...
Listening training ➢ Facts and figures (= des faits et des chifres)
Here is the link (=Voici le lien) https://youtu.be/wm8E-vrS5ic
From 3:55 to 5: 47 ( = Réglez bien le départ à partir de 4 minutes et 30 secondes jusqu'à 5minutes quarante-sept où vous arrêtez)
According to Nicola Sturgeon, first Minister of Scotland... :
"... Under the so-called No Deal option, a WTO based relationship, our GDP will be ................... percent lower by 2030 than if we were to remain in the EU. That is equivalent to ................................. billion pounds or .............................. pounds for every person in Scotland. Under this option, real disposable income would also be ................percent lower and business investment ...................... percent lower.
Under the option of a free trade agreement, GDP would be just over ...................... percent lower,
equivalent to ................. billion or ................................... pounds for every single one of us in Scotland.
Real disposable income would be over.................. percent lower and business investment lower by almost
.................... percent. And staying in the single market compared to full EU membership would reduce GDP by ................ percent. That's equivalent to ...................... billion pounds or just ........................... pounds per head of population. Under this option, real disposable income would also be ........... percent lower and business investment lower by just under ........percent than if we were to stay in the EU.
(Extract from a speech delivered in 2018)
National Anthem: Scotland - Flower of Scotland (Constituent Country of the United Kingdom)
Flower of Scotland is a Scottish song, used frequently at special occasions and sporting events. Although there is no official national anthem of Scotland, F...